Private repo for 2019 Team 1369 code.
To open this project in VS Code click File/Open Workspace and select FRCMinotaur2019.code-workspace
To use with git bash, choose a folder to clone into, then run:
git clone
git add src
git commit -m "your commit message"
git push origin your-branch-name
If you are on the master branch, your-branch-name is just master
Create a branch anytime multiple people are implementing different code at the same time. Branch names should be descriptive and all lowercase (No spaces) Create new branch with:
git checkout -b new-branch-name
Switch to a different branch at anytime with:
git checkout your-branch-name
We are going to try using pull requests first and see how it goes. Casey, Ramsey, and Andrew have the ability to approve pull requests.
After your feature is done being implemented on a given branch you should merge it back into master:
git checkout master
git merge your-branch-name
Contact me if you get merge conflicts and don't know how to fix them.
If you want to delete the branch after doing this run:
git branch -d your-branch-name
Then commit and push your changes.
If you have changes on your computer that you do not care about and just want to have the code from Github, run:
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/your-branch-name
At big points during the season (End of build season, before and after competitions, or the addition of major features, etc.) you should tag releases so you can easily refer back to that version of the code if something breaks. You should only tag releases on the master branch (AKA after code from all other branches has been merged into master) Run:
git checkout master
git add src
git commit -m "your commit message"
git tag -a v1.4 -m "your tag message"
git push origin master
Replace v1.4 with whatever version number you choose. I would suggest tagging the code at the end of build season as v1.0 and after that increment the least significant number for a small change and the most significant number for a large change.