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Performance Issues

Charles Gagnon edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 3 revisions

Azure Data Studio starts up slowly

Read the Startup Timers

When Azure Data Studio feels slow to start, you can check the startup timers. Open the Command Palette (F1) and select Developer: Startup Performance This will open developer tools and print some startup stats onto the "Console."


Please share these numbers with us as they often allows us to understand what is slow.

Optionally, Create a Startup CPU Profile

If Azure Data Studio is slow to start then please create a startup CPU profile. Do the following

  • Make sure to only have one window open
  • Quit Azure Data Studio (Cmd+Q for Mac, closing the last window on Linux/Windows)
  • Start Azure Data Studio from the command line like so azuredatastudio --prof-startup
  • Azure Data Studio will start and create two profile-files in your home-directory. Please attach these files to your issue or create a new issue with these two files
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