This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
Navigation Graph Decoder
git clone
cd graph_decoder_ws/
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
Open the config file as the way you like
gedit <<YOUR WORKSPACE>>/src/graph_decoder/config/default.yaml
roslaunch graph_decoder decoder.launch
- Publish your graph into ROS topic "/robot_vgraph"
- Read graph file from path published into ROS topic "/read_file_dir"
- Save graph file from path published into ROS topic "/save_file_dir"
idx position.x position.y position.z [connection idxs]
This package could read graphs from either files or published by other robots. It decodes the graphs and re-publishes to FAR Planner. FAR Planner has its own decoder that subscribes to the graph message and merges the graph from other sources with its current graph automatically.
Fan Yang ([email protected])