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This deploy a moleculer application via Moleculer Helm Package


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GitHub Action for deploy Pull Requests in Google Kubernetes Service for Moleculer App


A Github Action to deploy previews of Pull Requests to GKE via Moleculer Helm Package 🚀

Deploy previews

  • build docker image + tag with meta preview tags
  • publish docker image to container registry
  • create an external IP address
  • create a DNS.
  • deploy chart / preview in Kubernetes
  • add a preview comment to pull request with link to preview


This action is (currently) tightly coupled to the following set of tools.

  • Kubernetes cluster (GKE)
  • GCP token for authentication
  • google registery as container registry (could work with others, but not tested)
  • Domain zone hosted on Google cloud
  • Moleculer app
  • Dockerfile for the application

Example deployment

name: "deploy-pr"
    types: [opened, edited, reopened, synchronize]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: deploy-pr
      - uses: knawat/github-actions-deploy-moleculer@main
          SERVICES: {api,products}
          SERVICEDIR: build/services
          AGENT_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.AGENT_TOKEN }}
          AGENT_APIKEY: ${{ secrets.AGENT_APIKEY }}
          TRANSPORTER: tcp
          MONGO_URI: '${{ secrets.MONGO_URI }}' //should include it between ''
          BASE_URL: //The gateway URL of your app, the deployment PR URL will be 'pr-[PR_NUMBER].[BASE_URL]'
          HELM_SET: ${{ secrets.HELM_SET }} //To include any other application env var (environment.env.VAR1=VAL1)
          # GCP Configuration 
          DNS_ZONE_NAME: 'EXAMPLE-COM' //It's the cloud DNS Zone name not the DNS name (P.S. DNS name is
          GCP_PROJECT: 'example-project'
          GCP_JSON_KEY: ${{ secrets.GCP_JSON_KEY }}
          DOCKER_REGISTRY: ''
          IMAGE_REPO_NAME: 'api'
          IMAGE_TAGS: "$GITHUB_SHA" 
          #K8S Configuration
          CLUSTER_NAME: "cluster-dev"
          CLUSTER_LOCATION: "us-central1-c"
          CONTAINER_NAME: "app"
          #GitHub Configuration
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


If the SERVICES conatins API service, it will create:

  1. External IP: "RepoName"-"PR_Number"-pr so, for example: I'm working on a repo name: "knawat/app" and I created a PR (263), the IP will create with the following name: app-263-pr
  2. DNS: pr-"PR_Number"."BASE_URL" so, if I set the in the env, the DNS will create with the following name: and it's point to the previous IP address.
  3. For moleculer helm package will create the ingress.

If you need to add environment variables to your application you can use HELM_SET variable:

     HELM_SET: environment.env.VAR1=VAL1,environment.env.VAR2=VAL2

If you need to enable molecler Lab:

     AGENT_TOKEN: YourApiToken
     AGENT_APIKEY: YourApiKey

If you need to change the transporter use by the application:

     TRANSPORTER: nats://nats:4222


Variable Description Default value Required
HELM_RELEASE_NAME The helm release name to deploy. [REPO_NAME]-[PR_Number]-pr NO
HELM_RELEASE_NAMESPACE The namespace of helm release, in which k8s namespace. It will create a new one if not exists. [REPO_NAME]-[PR_Number]-pr NO
DOCKER_FILE The location of your docker file to build the image, usually it's in the root directory of your application. Dockerfile NO
DOCKER_REGISTRY Docker image registry. where you want to save your build image. Defaults to GCP container registry YES
IMAGE_REPO_NAME Image repo name in the image registery myImageRepo YES
IMAGE_TAGS Your build image tag. it's good to use $GITHUB_SHA latest NO
CONTAINER_NAME The container name that should deploy to the k8s cluster myApp NO
TRANSPORTER he transporter for the moleculer application tcp NO
SERVICES The name of the moleculer services you want to deploy, it should between {} '' NO
SERVICEDIR The name of the moleculer services directory build/services NO
MONGO_URI The DB connection string '' YES
BASE_URL Your app base URL,Let's assume that your app gateway URL is '', and you want to create a PR deployment using this action, so the deployment PR URL will be 'pr-[PR_NUMBER].[BASE_URL]' ( YES
CRON_ENABLED If you have a cron in your application and you want to add it to moleculer helm package, you can enable it here and add it's configuration in HELM_SET. false NO
LABORATORY_ENABLED If you don't have the lab service installed in your app, you should disable this option to not installing the lab service in k8s. true NO
INGRESS_ENABLED If you don't have the api gateway service in your app, you should disable this to aviod install the api service in k8s and avoid install the ingress. true NO
MOLECULER_APM_ENABLE The moleculer laboratory for your application. 0 NO
AGENT_TOKEN The moleculer lab agent token for the moleculer laboratory. someSecret NO
AGENT_APIKEY The moleculer lab API key for the moleculer laboratory someSecret NO
HELM_SET Additional helm values to set environment variables (corresponds to helm upgrade --set). Should have format environment.env.VAR1=VAL1,environment.env.VAR2=VAL2. NO
GCP_PROJECT The ID of your project on Google Cloud. example-project YES
PORTGCP_JSON_KEY The auth token to authenticate with your GCloud Project. YES
CLUSTER_NAME The K8S cluster name. example-cluster YES
CLUSTER_LOCATION The K8S cluster location on GCP. us-central-01 YES
DNS_ZONE_NAME Your DNS Zone Name in GCP Cloud DNS,It's the cloud DNS Zone name not the DNS name (P.S. DNS name is" xample-com YES
GITHUB_TOKEN Your GitHub token, you can get it from this GitHub environment variable ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} by default. YES

Output Variables

Variable Description Value
HELM_NOTE The helm release notes. Release Name, Last Deployed, Namespace, Status, Revision, Test Suite, Notes
LAB_IP_ADDRESS The namespace of helm release, in which k8s namespace. It will create a new one if not exists. IP Address

Default environment variables of moleculer helm package

Variable Default Value
NODE_ENV development
PORT 3000
LOGGER Laboratory
CACHER memory

For reference you can visit the helm package repo from here.


This deploy a moleculer application via Moleculer Helm Package




