A work in progress game framework with a lot left to do, see What's next
Download or clone the repo using --recurse-submodules
or run git submodule update --init
after cloning.
Open game.exe
or open Prontal.sln
and compile, set the game
project as StartUp project
and run the project.
Fps controls on right mouse button hold with WASD
and Space bar
Camera movement also possible with the Arrow keys
and Shift
are speed modifiers.
Adjust camera sensitivity with -
and =
Adjust movement speed with [
and ]
Spawns a cube
Spawns a truck
Spawns a point light
Quite a few things are in need of improvement:
- Convert models to correct handedness
- Transparency in solid color objects
- Fully dynamic pipeline state objects
- Instanced drawing
- GPU upload pipeline
- Entity deletion
- Physics integration
- Multiplatform support
And a few things on the todo:
- More glTF support
- Vertex colors
- Spot lights
- Directional lights
- Shadow maps
- Normal maps
- Ambient Ocolution
Littlest Tokyo by glenatron under the CC Attribution License
Cylander by artwork guide under the CC Attribution License
Sphere by oatmas64134 under the CC Attribution License
Sponza taken from Khronos' glTF sample models
Selection of glTF sample models
TinyglTF by syoyo under the MIT license.
Bullet Physics under the zlib/libpng license
glm under the MIT and Modified MIT License
3D Game Engine Programming
Microsoft examples and documentation
Scratch pixel