To build and install the Skafos CLI, you can run:
$ make install
If you want to put the result in a different location than /usr/bin
, please
run it like this:
$ PREFIX=/opt/skafos make install
To make a Debian package you can also run:
$ make build_dist_deb
This will result in a package you can install on a debian based system.
You can install, or use the same process as Linux.
skafos (setup|init|auth)...
skafos init [<name>] [--org <org_name>] [--template <template_name>] [--master]
skafos templates [--update] [--search <search_term>]
skafos env [<key>] [--set <value>] [--delete]
skafos create [<kind>] [<name>] [--project <token>]
skafos logs [<project_token>] [-n <num>] [--tail]
skafos fetch --table <table_name>
skafos kill [<project_token>] [--deployments <deployment_ids>] [--job_ids <job_ids>]
skafos remote info [<project_token>]
skafos orgs [<name>] [--set-default]
skafos whoami
skafos models (list [<name>] [--deployment <deployment_id>] [--job <job_id>]|download <name> [-o <output_path>]) [--project <token>] [--tag <tag>] [-v version]
skafos -h | --help
skafos --version
setup Setup development environment.
init Create a new project.
auth Authenticate request.
templates Manage templates.
create Create a Job for a project.
env Get or set environment variables.
logs Get logs for a project.
fetch Fetch results from a given table.
kill Kill an entire project or specific jobs/deployments.
remote info Print command to add a new remote.
orgs List or set your default organization.
whoami List your current user info and settings.
models List or download models for a project.
-V --version Shows version.
If you need help, feel free to reach out:
Fire it up!