This repository provides Jupyter notebook examples for accessing and processing numerical weather prediction (NWP) model data from MeteoSwiss, released through Switzerland’s Open Government Data (OGD) initiative.
- 01_retrieve_process_precip.ipynb - Retrieve, process, and visualize ensemble precipitation forecasts from the ICON model.
Clone the repository and install all required packages using:
Install ecCodes using conda
Install Python dependencies using Poetry
poetry install
Install the Jupyter kernel
Activate the Poetry environment and install the current environment as a Jupyter kernel:poetry shell poetry run python -m ipykernel install --user --name=notebooks-nwp-env --display-name "Python (notebooks-nwp-env)"
Use the Kernel in Jupyter
After launching Jupyter, select the custom kernel by navigating to Kernel → Change Kernel → Python (notebooks-nwp-env) in the notebook interface.
For more context on the available numerical weather forecast data and how it’s structured, see:
🔗 MeteoSwiss Forecast Data Documentation
Feel free to open issues to suggest improvements or contribute new examples!