A group of active developers focused on creating useful and versatile software.
- AnuraOS - The next-gen webOS and development environment with full linux emulation.
- Adrift - A fast and modern decentralized web proxy network, utilizing transport over WebRTC.
- Dreamland - A reactive JSX-based rendering library with no virtual DOM.
- bare-mux - A drag-and-drop successor to bare-client (also see CurlTransport and EpoxyTransport).
- libcurl.js - An experimental port of libcurl to WebAssembly for use in the browser, for proxying HTTPS requests with full TLS encryption.
- Epoxy - A encrypted proxy for browser javascript.
- Sh1mmer - An exploit found in ChromeOS that utilitzes modified RMA factory shims to gain code execution. (Unmaintained)
- Fakemurk - A set of scripts for spoofing verified on an enrolled chromebook. (Unmaintained)
- E-Halcyon - Bypass for the ChromeOS "fog" patch. (Unmaintained)
- Pollen - A simple ChromeOS User Policy Editor. (Unmaintained)
- Lilac - More complex user policy editor. (Unmaintained)
View more of our projects and a list of our members on our Website!
Mercury Workshop Inc 2025
May UltraBlue rest in peace