Py222 is a 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube representation written in Python. It has support for applying individual moves to the puzzle, as well as space-separated algorithm strings specified in WCA notation.
A cube's state is represented as a 24-element numpy array with indices corresponding to the following stickers, and values corresponding to the following face colors:
sticker indices:
│ 0│ 1│
│ 2│ 3│
│16│17│ 8│ 9│ 4│ 5│20│21│
│18│19│10│11│ 6│ 7│22│23│
face colors:
│ 0│
│ 4│ 2│ 1│ 5│
│ 3│
The move definitions are written for a sticker representation, but there are functions to normalize the state's stickers relative to a fixed DLB corner, and convert it into a fixed-corner piece orientation and permutation (OP) representation. There are also various functions that can hash the fixed-corner OP representation state into unique integer indices.
Also included is a sample IDA* solver (
- numpy
import py222
# get solved state
s = py222.initState()
│ 0│ 0│
│ 0│ 0│
│ 4│ 4│ 2│ 2│ 1│ 1│ 5│ 5│
│ 4│ 4│ 2│ 2│ 1│ 1│ 5│ 5│
│ 3│ 3│
│ 3│ 3│
# do some moves
s = py222.doAlgStr(s, "x y R U' R' U' F2 U' R U R' U F2")
│ 2│ 2│
│ 2│ 2│
│ 0│ 3│ 1│ 4│ 3│ 0│ 4│ 1│
│ 3│ 3│ 1│ 1│ 0│ 0│ 4│ 4│
│ 5│ 5│
│ 5│ 5│
# normalize stickers relative to DLB
s = py222.normFC(s)
│ 0│ 0│
│ 0│ 0│
│ 1│ 4│ 2│ 5│ 4│ 1│ 5│ 2│
│ 4│ 4│ 2│ 2│ 1│ 1│ 5│ 5│
│ 3│ 3│
│ 3│ 3│
import py222
import solver
# get solved state
s = py222.initState()
# apply some scramble
s = py222.doAlgStr(s, "R U2 R2 F2 R' F2 R F R")
# solve cube
│ 2│ 3│
│ 1│ 0│
│ 1│ 3│ 5│ 4│ 2│ 2│ 4│ 3│
│ 4│ 2│ 0│ 0│ 4│ 1│ 0│ 5│
│ 1│ 5│
│ 3│ 5│
normalizing stickers...
generating pruning tables...
depth 1
depth 2
depth 3
depth 4
depth 5
depth 6
depth 7
depth 8
F R2 F' R U2 R2 F' R
F R2 F' R' F R2 U2 R'