New MAZE OF NEON (or NewMON for short) is a maze-game based on my previous game called MAZE OF NEON, which I made in pure Java a couple of years ago! This new game will also be programmed in Java, but it will also be using LWJGL 3.
NewMON is a game where you have to find your way through a series of mazes. There is very little to be said about it for now as I'm just coming up with the gameplay-concepts as I go.
I know its bad to start coding the game before the gameplay has been properly planned, but this project is nothing serious to me. Its more like coding-practice...
All different versions of this game can be found here:
The earliest versions are ridiculously lacking of pretty much everything, but I find it amusing looking back on early versions of games when they are pretty much completed.
The original MAZE OF NEON and more info about it can be found here: