Is a simple custom response express method develop by me , member of HACKDO FOUNDATION.
To dispatch query to a web api, easy, clean, fast and beautiful code, it works great with waterline mongodb driver, localDisk and sailsjs but must be tested with mysql driver for nodejs:
If you find this module helpful please donate here with the mount of you want, it helps to maintain the project and enhands all.
npm install dispatch-model --save
git clone
Follow this steps:
- Inside the directory responses add a new response file:
module.exports = require('dispatch-model');
note: dispatchModel.js
is just a generic name you can call this response file whereaver you want.
- Add a model with some schema for example:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
firstName: 'string',
lastName: 'string'
Follow this steps:
- In you express app configuration add
const dispatchModel = require('dispatch-model');
app.use("*",(req, res, next)=> {
res.dispatchModel = dispatchModel;
Now let the magic begin inside some controller now can dispatch the User model like that:
module.exports = {
serve: function(req, res) {
let query = User.create({firstName: "john", lastName: "doe"});
}//end serve method
}//end UserController
the dispatchModel
is now aviable for use, this take some arguments for dispatch some query, the first one is a Promise that is usually a query from the database that return a result, with this code you would get:
"data": {
"firstName": "john",
"lastName": "doe",
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T02:51:15.184Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-03-10T02:51:15.184Z",
"id": 34
"status": 200
Dispatch model, wrap an transform the data for you in this schema: firt all response that get success in his query must return and json object with data as main attribute that represent the result of query in the database, and status that represent the status of response from the web API.
Dispatch model, must take as first argument some Promise that return some kind a information, and can also get a second argument which is is usable to transform the response.
As second argument responseCases can transform the data depend on manies escenarios like:
module.exports = {
// UserController.js
serve: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
omit: ['lastName'],
status: 201 //change status to created
let query = User.create({firstName: "john", lastName: "doe"});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end serve method
}//end UserController
In case of success indicate that will return something like:
"data": {
"firstName": "john",
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T03:32:05.771Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-03-10T03:32:05.771Z",
"id": 36
"status": 201
The success option can get few attibutes like:
Attribute | Required | Type |
omit | false | array |
pick | false | array |
authentication | false | boolean |
session | false | json |
status | false | integer |
map | false | Function |
beforeResponse | false | Function |
afterResponse | false | Function |
view | false | string |
- omit: list of attributes that you wanna omit of the query response
showAll: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
omit: ['firstName']
let query = User.find({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
},//end showAll
return :
"data": [
"lastName": "doe",
"createdAt": "2017-03-10T04:20:21.710Z",
"updatedAt": "2017-03-10T04:20:21.710Z",
"id": 38
"status": 200
- pick: list of attributes that you wanna pick of the query response
module.exports = {
serve: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
pick: ['firstName']
let query = User.find({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end serve
return :
"data": [
"firstName": "john"
"status": 200
- authentication: boolean attributes that indicate that yout wanna save some
- session: object that represent information that you wanna store in the session, for example:
module.exports = {
createAndAuth: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
authentication: true,
session: {
firstName: true
let query = User.create({firstName: "john", lastName: "doe"});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end createAndAuth
this code will create a user and save a session with the firstName and now is avaible in req.session.firstName
Note: When wanna use session you must use authentication set in true
- status Status is usable for indicate the status code of the response in the web api, this que use in all cases.
module.exports = {
serve: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
status: 202 //change the default status code to 203 Accepted
let query = User.find({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end serve
"data": [
"firstName": "john"
"status": 202
- map This option can be used for map the response of the query to the database, example:
module.exports = {
showAll: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
map: function(data, next) {
data.fullName = data.firstName+" "+data.lastName;
return data;
let query = User.find({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end showAll
"data": [
"firstName": "john",
"lastName": "doe",
"fullName": "john doe"
"status": 200
- beforeResponse This method can be used for do something before response, this is called when the query to the database is done, examples:
module.exports = {
showAll: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
beforeResponse: function(partialData, next) {
let owner =;
Pets.find({owner}).then(function(pet) {
//do some with you pet
if(error.message === "customError") return next(new Error("customError"));
next(new Error("serverError"));
errors: {
otherwise: {
customError: {
details: "my custom error detail",
status: 400
let query = User.find({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end showAll
Note: You must call next method to continue the process otherwise it never response, in case that something go wrong you can throw and error that will be catched by the error cases, if you are using mongoose.js you migth need to use toObject or toJSON in beforeResponse or map
In case of success return:
"data": [
"firstName": "john",
"lastName": "doe"
"status": 200
In case of customError return:
"data": null,
"details": "my custom error detail",
"status": 400
In case of serverError return:
"data": null,
"details": "Internal server error.",
"status": 500
- afterResponse This method can be used for do something after response, this is called when the response is done, examples:
module.exports = {
showAll: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
afterResponse: function(data) {
console.log("data response was: ", data);
let query = User.find({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end showAll
- view Asuming that you has set some templete engine like handlebar now you can response by render a view, example:
module.exports = {
showAll: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
success: {
view: "path/to/template"
let query = User.find({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end showAll
Note: the view option can be used in all cases, and must be equal to the path of you template, this change depend of the template engine
The errors option can get a few arguments like:
Attribute | Required | Type |
notFound | false | json |
notAllow | false | json |
forbidden | false | json |
badRequest | false | json |
conflict | false | json |
serverError | false | json |
otherwise | false | json |
Note: To trigger any of this errors responses, the Promise argument must throw or reject an error with a message called the same way that the error.
The otherwise is special and represent a generic error that is not contemplated in the default errors responses list of dispatchModel , this mean that you que used like a kind a custom response error.
All of them take as schema to response this:
Attribute | Required | Type |
details | false | string |
status | false | integer |
generic attribute | false | json |
All the errors cases return the same schema, unless that you use a generic attribute to add something, example:
showAll: function(req, res) {
let responseCases = {
errors: {
notFound: {
details: "my custom message for notFound",
myGenerictData: "Hola mundo"
otherwise: {
myCustomError: {
details: "my custom message",
status: 304
let query = User.beHappy({});
res.dispatchModel(query, responseCases);
}//end showAll
In case of notFound return:
"data": null
"details": "my custom message for notFound"
"status": 404,
"myGenerictData": "Hola mundo"
Note: the notFound can be use inside of success too.
In case of myCustomError return:
"data": null
"details": "my custom message"
"status": 304
Note: in case that dispatchModel get a unexpected error, that was not set in any where, it will response with a 204 No content
If you find this module helpful please donate here with the mount of you want, it helps to maintain the project and enhands all.
So this is all for now, be in touch if you have some issue or want to contribute to this project.