- Done with shell scripting
- packer.nvim
- gruvbox-material
- kanagawa
- nerdcommenter
- lualine.nvim
- presence.nvim (altough this is just for discord users)
- nvim-web-devicons
- nvim-tree.lua
- telescope.nvim
- It requieres
- It requieres
- nvim-autopairs
- lspsaga.nvim
- lspkind-nvim
- completion-nvim
- nvim-cmp
- It requires
- It requires
- symbols-outline.nvim
- cmp-nvim-lsp
- nvim-lspconfig
- nvim-colorizer.lua
- nvim-treesitter
- bufferline.nvim
- It requires
- It requires
- indent-blankline.nvim
- goolord/alpha-nvim
- markdown-preview.nvim
- impatient.nvim
- filetype.nvim
- wildermenu.nvim
- flutter-tools.nvim
- dart-vim-plugin
- LuaSnip
- zepl.vim
- yuck.vim
leader key is the space bar
Control + h, j, k or l
will serve as the movement keys for splits in normal mode.TAB
will move you to the next tab.Shift + TAB
will move you to the previous tab.Control + s
will save your current buffer.Control + q
will save and quit your vim sesion.Control + x
will close the current buffer you are in but will not save your work.,,
will bring a terminal at the bottom of the screen.- The terminal will be resized at just 20 for better screen space management.
- This is usefull for C, C++ & Rust programing.
leader + p
will bring a BIG terminal window within the nvim instance.- This is usefull if you want to see most of the compilation errors/warnings more easily.
Control + v
will vertically split the window.Shift + h
will horizontally split the window.Shift + k
will bring a help menu in whatever happens you are positioned.
- Shell script for changing the coloscheme depending on the hour of the day.
- Wallpapers to match the colorschemes
- Have a clean codebase
- Optimize it
- Make the REAME better xd
- Lower start-up time to the minimum possible
- Add a logo or something to it
- Make the logo better