If you don't follow your dreams who will ?
Welcome to Smile & Co !
- 👋 Hi, I’m @Math13Net - - - i hate math - - - math is _____
- 👀 I’m interested in Deep Learning - see my website for more info
- 🌱 have fun - i wish you all success - nothing is easy, nothing is free
- think different : introduction to p-adict numbers
- play different : math for love
- savoir respirer puis apprendre à respirer
** “ It always seems impossible until it is done ” Nelson Mandela**
** L'intégration des handicapés n'est ni une opinion politiquement correcte ni une loi votée, c'est d'abord et avant tout un état d'esprit au quotidien**
** This book has changed my life (stangely I just bought for 5 €) - I hope you too will read it one day : le pouvoir de la confiance by Stephen M.R. Convey
** This one is interesting too : se libérer du regard des autres
this is my contact address and a lovely song - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life