This is a backend server application for Weather app or Weather app AWS (if the first url expires), which allows users to search for weather information for a given city. The frontend part is here.
This repository contains the backend server for the application, which provides REST API endpoints for retrieving weather data, user authentication and registration, and managing user profiles. The weather data are requested from, which will be stored in memory for 2 minutes to improve performance.
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Passport.js local strategy
- Passport.js Google OAuth2.0 strategy
- Weather API
- POST /auth/register: Register a new user account
- POST /auth/login: Log in to an existing user account using a username and password
- GET /auth/google: Initiate authentication via Google OAuth2
- GET /auth/google/user: Handle Google OAuth2 callback and log in or register the user
- GET /user: Retrieve the currently authenticated user's profile information
- PUT /user/cities: Update the currently authenticated user's list of saved cities
- GET /weather/:city/forecast: Retrieve weather forecast data for the specified city
- Node.js v18
- MongoDB v6
- Weather API key (get one at
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
cd weather-server npm install
Set up environment variables: Change the content in .env file with your own values.
Start the application with nodemon monitoring
npm start dev
The application should now be running on FRONTEND_URL with default value http://localhost:13000 if no environment variables passed over.
The project can be deployed on AWS serverless. The backend and Mongodb database are running on ECS with Fargate mode. An Application Load Balancer is provided to route frontend traffic to ECS container. The backend app will be pushed to AWS ECR. The official image mongo
is used for database service and EFS will be mounted to the mongo container to store user information. The frontend application will be running on S3 with a registered DNS record routing traffic from a public domain.
create a Dockerfile in root directory of the weather-server project.
FROM node:18-alpine # Set the working directory in the container to /app WORKDIR /app # Copy the package.json and package-lock.json files to the container COPY package*.json ./ # Install dependencies RUN npm install # Copy the rest of the application code to the container COPY . . # Expose port 13000 for the application EXPOSE 13000 # Define the command that runs the application CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
Create a new repository on aws ECR and run following command to build image and push it to ECR repository.
docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-2) docker build -t weather-server . docker tag weather-server:latest docker push
Upload weather.yaml to AWS cloudformation console. It will create following resources: The CloudFormation stack creates the following resources:
- S3 bucket for frontend application .
- Application load balancer for balancing api calls or direct visiting to backend server.
- Target groups and listener rules for the load balancer.
- Backend server ECS cluster, ECS task definition and ECS service.
- Mongodb ECS cluster, ECS task definition and ECS service.
- EFS mounted to Mongodb container.
- Access point and mount targets for EFS.
- Security groups and IAM roles for different services accordingly.
When the cloudformation stack completes, record the output load balancer DNS and modify
in frontend application weather-app directory with the value. -
Build the frontend weather-app application with
run build
Upload files and folds under build directory to the S3 bucket.