UFCG - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
- Campina Grande,PB,Brazil
- www.linkedin.com/in/marley-lobao-de-sousa/
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UVM_calculator PublicThis repository is meant for learning UVM using SystemVerilog. Through a verification environment, some hardware verification concepts are applied for a calculator with the four basic operations.
SystemVerilog 5
Single-Cycle_MIPS_Processor PublicThis repository holds files related to the development of a Single-Cycle Processor developed during the Digital Systems Architecture course.
UVM_Traffic_RAL PublicThis repository organizes the ChipVerify website code so that it is executable in a verification environment that uses the Register Abstraction Layer (RAL) in frontdoor and backdoor modes, as well …
Switch_SV_Testbench PublicThis repository organizes the ChipVerify website code so that it is executable in a verification environment that uses only the Systemverilog language resources to verify some design as an example.
UVM-mult-clk-domain PublicForked from PedroHSCavalcante/env-mult-clk-domain
Through a verification environment, this repository uses UVM to handle with multiple clock domains and virtual sequences.
PIC_16F877A PublicThis repository contains some C language programs for the PIC 16F877A developed in the PIC C Compiler and simulated on the McLab2 development board in PICsimLab.
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