Welcome to "Let's Play Sudoku," a free web application for accessing and playing free Sudoku puzzles.
This project was made possible via the following technologies:
- Input numbers using keystrokes or screen interface to allow easy use for both desktop and mobile users
- Pencil mode: allows users to add notes for possible values to a square
- Auto-fill pencil marks: Clicking the auto-fill button places all of the appropriate penciled in numbers automatically
- Duplicate number flagging
- Square highlights: clicking a square highlights it as well as the columns, rows, unit boxes (9 squares) it's a part of for easier number comparison
- Completed puzzle verification
- User sign-up and login
- Sessions allow users to automatically log in after first sign-up and/or subsequent logins
- Save progress made on puzzles so users can resume later
- Guest mode, for those who want to play without signing in (can't save in guest mode)
- Choose puzzle based on difficulty and/or techniques required to solve
- Ask for a hint: will highlight numbers that will lead to next definitive number to enter
- Tutorials for each solution technique
Resources and credits:
Icons for the application were sourced from the following websites: