👋 Hi there!
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer with a passion for Software Development, Data Analysis, Machine Learning and AI.
Check out my work:
-Blog with NextJS: Mat-dev-blog. Personal
-Sample App with REACT & NODE: Souvenirs. Personal
-PHP App with PHP & TAILWIND: Travago. Personal
-Serverless Mini Erp Startup [NextJs, NestJs, SympfonyPHP, AWS Lambda, Dynamoose, MongoDB]: Smart-work with microservices artchitecture. At AlchemyCode Co
-CMS Part time Strapi developper at : Make.org. Via AlchemyCode Co
Looking to collaborate? Connect :
- LinkedIn: M-A-T
Languages: [Javascript, Typescript, PHP] Technologies: [React, Node, Next, Nest, Symofny] CMS: [Strapi] Need more ? There is Docker, AWS Functions (Lambda, CloudFormation, S3), MongoDB, PostgreSQL and more.
Experienced with Rest Apis, GraphQl and CI/CD.