My name is Mardoqueu, most people call me Mike, but you can call me anytime! Here's my Portfolio - it's a code-tastic!
- 🔭 I am a positive, enthusiastic and competent Web Developer who, over the years, has built up a diverse range of skills, qualities and attributes that guarantee I will perform highly in this role.
- 🌱 I’m currently building many projects with Angular, NextJS, JavaScript, Java, Node and using many more stacks, you can check it out on my Github
- 👯 I'm an experienced software engineer who constantly seeks out innovative solutions to everyday problems
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- Curriculum Vitae - English Version
- Portfolio
As you can see on my Linkedin, I have spent the last years working as an IT developer and teacher. In a typical day, I answer emails and review code, and then I have a quick 10-minute meeting with a project colleague about what I did yesterday, what I'm planning to do today, and if there are any roadblocks holding me back. Right after that, I write some code or first finish any code review comments. I continue coding and also study new courses and articles on Front-End and Back-End.
I also used to work as an IT professor at the Federal Institute of Maranhão. This was a great experience because I developed skills in public speaking, I improved my network, and I got to know several stacks like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular, Java, MySQL, and Spring Boot as well as other Front-End and Back-End technologies. The whole experience led me to fall in love with Front-End where I can immerse myself in technology and have the sensitivity to think and seek to apply positive social impacts.
My next goal for the future is to grow in the tech sector and write a book about all the experiences I have told and will have yet. That is why I think I am a perfect match for this position. I'm really interested in the area of technologies, and I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can in this industry and contributing to the work that is being done.
Title | Role | Situation | Options |
A Utilização do Jogo como recurso de motivação e aprendizagem no Combate do Aedes Aegypti | Coordinator | Concluded | Download |
Adição de Funcionalidades Didático-pedagógicos ao Sistema de Avaliação de Atividades de Programação CodeTeacher | Coordinator | Concluded | Download |
Usos Da Realidade Aumentada E Do Design Thinking Como Recursos No Ensino-aprendizagem Em Nível Profissionalizante | Coordinator | Concluded | Download |
Quiz Educativo IFMA | Member | Concluded | Download |
Game De Desafios De Empreendedorismo | Member | Running | Download |
Topic | Type | Symposium | Place |
Mapeamento sistemático da literatura brasileira sobre educational data mining e learning analytics | Artigo completo publicado em periódico | Brazilian Journal of Development | Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora Ltda |
Code teacher: uma ferramenta para correção automática de trabalhos acadêmicos de programação em Java | Artigo completo publicado em periódico | Brazilian Journal of Development | Brazilian Journals Publicações de Periódicos e Editora Ltda |
Protótipo de um Sistema De Irrigação Baseado em IOT para Pequenos e Médios Produtores Rurais | Artigo completo publicado em periódico | ACTA TECNOLÓGICA | Pedreiras-MA |
Os 13 Porquês de Você Não Aprender Inglês (Portuguese Edition) | Livro publicado | Editora Vecchio | ASIN - B08DCTQFB2 |
CODETEACHER: Uma Ferramenta Para Correção Automática De Trabalhos Acadêmicos De Programação Em Java | Chapter | Atena Editora | Atena Editora, 2019, v. , p. 148-157. |
A Utilização de Laboratórios Virtuais de Aprendizagem como Recurso no Processo Educacional | Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos | Semana de Informática Educacional, 2018, Teresina | Teresina-PI |