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Marcin Wieczorek dotfiles

Home is where ls is a mess

Welcome to my dotfiles repository. At the moment of writing this text I'm using ArchLinux as my main distribution, but I use some of the configs on debian machines as well.

Programs of first choice

Purpose Program
Browser Firefox
Terminal emulator alacritty
Email client emacs
Email backend maildir
Email sync isync
Terminal file manager vifm
GUI file manager thunar
Torrent client Transmission
Video player mpv
Audio player mopidy + mpd + mpc
Screen lock slock
Window Manager bspwm
Display manager ly
Bar polybar
Key daemon sxhkd
Launcher rofi
Editor emacs
Dotfile manager yadm

What will you find here

Config files for

  • neovim
  • i3
  • bspwm
  • sxhkd
  • alacritty
  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh
  • conky
  • mpd

Some general purpose scripts

  • AUR related things

Key bindings

Binding Action
MOD + Return Open terminal window
MOD + F1 Open browser
MOD + F2 Open terminal file manager
MOD + Shift + F2 Open gui file manager
MOD + F3 Open email client
MOD + F4 Open emacs
MOD + d Open launcher
MOD + Meta + l Lock the screen
MOD + Meta + q Quit window manager
MOD + Meta + r Restart window manager
MOD + Q Kill node
MOD + {h,j,k,l} Switch focus
MOD + Shift + {h,j,k,l} Move nodes
MOD + [ Move node to monitor to the left
MOD + ] Move node to monitor to the right
MOD + Tab Focus previous desktop
MOD + [0-9] Switch to desktop
MOD + Shift + [0-9] move node to desktop
MOD + D Create new desktop
MOD + E Edit configuration files

TODO list

  • push all existing configs (most of the time they are unstaged mess)


Run CTRL+R inside firefox xdotool search --onlyvisible --class "Firefox" windowfocus key --window %@ 'ctrl+r'


Home is where ls is a mess.






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