Jaskell Core is a utils library made used scala. It includes a parsec combinators library, a SQL helper library and a arithmetic expressions parser.
Jaskell java8 is a transplant edition for java8 projects.
implementation 'io.github.marchliu:jaskell-core_2.13:0.8.1'
libraryDependencies += "io.github.marchliu" % "jaskell-core_2.13" % "0.8.1"
<dependency org="io.github.marchliu" name="jaskell-core_2.13" rev="0.8.1" />
@Grab(group='io.github.marchliu', module='jaskell-core_2.13', version='0.8.1')
[io.github.marchliu/jaskell-core_2.13 "0.8.1"]
pkg:maven/io.github.marchliu/[email protected]
name = "jaskell-core_2.13",
artifact = "io.github.marchliu:jaskell-core_2.13:0.8.1",
sha1 = "b58ed93199e445d043949561fdc1fea710d60442",
- 重新实现了 parsec 组件,对有序列表(Seq)和文本提供更有针对性的支持
- 提供了支持位置查询的 txt state
- State apply string 生成 txt state。
- upgrade to scala 2.13
- finish sql specs
- add documents for parsec parser
- bug fixed about statement write action
- add <|> adn <?> operator
- add opE, TndBy and sepEndBy
- fixed int parser bug
- fixed skipWhitespaces function error
- add ? operator
- add expression parser
- fixed a binary bug.
- rewrite all parsec as functional
- add ! operator
- add parameter expression
- add distinct
- bug in not char fixed
- add injection check spec
- add get message method for parsec exception
- add predicate parser
- add trap method in state for crate left parsec expeption
- add is method in atom namespace
- redesigned type parameters to make them more functional
- all tests and expressions rewritten.
- add future monad
- use typeclasses
- support implicit converter for monad instance
- make future monad auto create monad instance implicitly
- code clean
- add skip1 spaces
- add skip1 whitespaces
- bugs fixed
- add builtin combinators extension methods
- sync api design as jaskell-dotty
- add chars
- add while in
- compatibility 2.12 and 2.13
- compatibility 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13
- uniform parsers name
- code clean
- collected typeclasses in *.Implicits object
- add croupier type for custom random select algo
- add lite scaled algo
- add binary scaled
- add binary rank
- fixed edge condition mistake in damping
- make invert smoothness. now it just be a negative damping
- add enumerate parser
- add enumerate utils methods in object Txt and Combinator