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chaowlert edited this page Apr 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

Computed value

You can use Map method to specify logic to compute value. For example, compute full name from first name and last name.

TypeAdapterConfig<Poco, Dto>.NewConfig()
                            .Map(dest => dest.FullName, src => src.FirstName + " " + src.LastName);

Transform value

While Map method specify logic for single property, AddDestinationTransform allows transforms for all items of a type, such as trimming all strings. But really any operation can be performed on the destination value before assignment.

Trim string

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
        .AddDestinationTransform((string x) => x.Trim());

Null replacement

TypeAdapterConfig<TSource, TDestination>.NewConfig()
        .AddDestinationTransform((string x) => x ?? "");

Return empty collection if null


Passing run-time value

In some cases, you might would like to pass runtime values (ie, current user). On configuration, we can receive run-time value by MapContext.Current.Parameters.

TypeAdapterConfig<Poco, Dto>.NewConfig()
                            .Map(dest => dest.CreatedBy,
                                 src => MapContext.Current.Parameters["user"]);

To pass run-time value, we need to use BuildAdapter method, and call AddParameters method to add each parameter.

var dto = poco.BuildAdapter()
              .AddParameters("user", this.User.Identity.Name)
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