[QMS-220] "Select items from map" misses items
[QMS-275] Routino: Add Spanish and Czech as selectable languages for turn instructions
[QMS-279] Track metrics not updated when using UNDO / REDO in Edit mode
[QMS-282] Tags icons/rating disappear from workspace after saving and closing a project
[QMS-285] WMTS-based maps aren't restored correctly
[QMS-297] Add GUI framework for POI databases
[QMS-299] CEnergyCycling is storing it's configuration in the General
section instead of it's own.
[QMS-301] Load POI file
[QMS-303] Add POI icons
[QMS-307] Optimization of POI query
[QMS-311] Automatically save projects to device
[QMS-313] UX improvements for POIs
[QMS-314] Fix/Add POI categories
[QMS-315] Make POI Icons User-Selectable
[QMS-317] Enable user to add POI to project via right-click
[QMS-318] Change poi_t to use radians
[QMS-321] Improve name selection for POI
[QMS-322] Make POIs show up in 'Select Items On Map'
[QMS-337] Upgrade to Proj 8 API
[QMS-343] .fit files from Suunto app have many trackpoints with elevation = 0
[QMS-344] Better integration of new PROJ lib into cmake build system
[QMS-349] Upgrade to Quazip Qt5 V1.x
[QMS-353] "Select Items on Map" does not update when items are removed
[QMS-354] Refactor the code to get rid of clazy warnings
[QMS-360] Fix compile flags for Windows 64bit
[QMS-362] Fit files containing more than one developer data ID cannot be opened. e.g. from a Garmin FR 935 and a connected Stryd footpod
[QMS-363] GIS items missing in projects loaded from file or database
[QMS-371] Crash while loading geocache from TwoNav device
[QMS-373] Refine templates to hide comments
[QMS-375] On-screen profile window has no close button
[QMS-378] Add option to link map views
[QMS-380] Toggle fullscreen does not work
[QMS-382] QMapTool: Allow customized GDAL parameters
[QMS-384] Add Garmin Fit power data to support powermeter pedals
[QMS-389] Crash when loading/drawing POIs
[QMS-391] Adapt Windows build scripts to PROJ.8/Quazip 1.x