This Android project in Kotlin is an example of Clean architecture, layered modularization, and use of Jetpack components, Retrofit, Coroutines, and Hilt.
Architecture: The project uses Clean architecture with three layers: presentation, domain, and data. The presentation layer manages the user interface and user communication. The domain layer implements the business rules. The data layer is responsible for accessing and storing the application data.
Requirements: To compile and run the application, you'll need Android Studio and an Android device or emulator with a minimum version of 9.0 (Pie).
Usage: The project uses Jetpack components, Retrofit for API calls, Coroutines for thread management, and Hilt for dependency injection. Clean architecture and layered modularization help keep the code organized and easy to maintain.
Contributions: If you want to contribute to the project, you can send pull requests or open issues.