This is a vector graphics library for PHP, which surely is a broad specification. That is due to the fact that the goal of this project is to offer features in three different, big areas:
- Generating SVG images from PHP code and outputting them, either into XML strings or into files.
- Loading and parsing XML strings into document trees that can be easily modified and then also turned back into strings.
- Transforming parsed or generated document trees into raster graphics, like PNG.
These tasks will take a lot of time and effort, so you are welcome to contribute
if this is a project you are interested in.
In case you decide to contribute, please honor these things:
- External libraries shall not be used.
- Please set your editor to use 4 spaces for indentation. In general, it would be good to follow the existing code style for consistency.
- Source files must end with a newline character.
- By contributing code, you agree to license that code under the MIT license to this project.
This package is available through Composer/Packagist:
$ composer require meyfa/php-svg
Download this repo, or the latest release, and put it somewhere in your project. Then do:
require_once __DIR__.'/<path_where_you_put_it>/autoloader.php';
The rest works exactly the same as with Composer, just without things like nice version management.
The following code generates an SVG with a blue square, sets the Content-Type header and echoes it:
use SVG\SVG;
use SVG\Nodes\Shapes\SVGRect;
// image with 100x100 viewport
$image = new SVG(100, 100);
$doc = $image->getDocument();
// blue 40x40 square at (0, 0)
$square = new SVGRect(0, 0, 40, 40);
$square->setStyle('fill', '#0000FF');
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo $image;
To convert an instance of SVG
to a PHP/GD image resource, or in other words
convert it to a raster image, you simply call
toRasterImage($width, $height [, $background])
on it. Example:
use SVG\SVG;
use SVG\Nodes\Shapes\SVGCircle;
$image = new SVG(100, 100);
$doc = $image->getDocument();
// circle with radius 20 and green border, center at (50, 50)
(new SVGCircle(50, 50, 20))
->setStyle('fill', 'none')
->setStyle('stroke', '#0F0')
->setStyle('stroke-width', '2px')
// rasterize to a 200x200 image, i.e. the original SVG size scaled by 2.
// the background will be transparent by default.
$rasterImage = $image->toRasterImage(200, 200);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
If you require a specific background color, e.g. white, use the 3rd parameter. It supports all CSS colors (including named colors, hexadecimal, rgba, etc.):
$rasterImage = $image->toRasterImage(200, 200, '#FFFFFF');
Specifying a background color is mandatory for JPEG output, as JPEG does not support transparency.
You can load SVG images both from strings and from files. This example loads one from a string, moves the contained rectangle and echoes the new SVG:
use SVG\SVG;
$svg = '<svg width="100" height="100">';
$svg .= '<rect width="50" height="50" fill="#00F" />';
$svg .= '</svg>';
$image = SVG::fromString($svg);
$doc = $image->getDocument();
$rect = $doc->getChild(0);
header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml');
echo $image;
For loading from a file instead, you would call SVG::fromFile($file)
That function supports local file paths as well as URLs.
For additional documentation, see the wiki.