CSCE-606-Software Engineering Project - Display clock timer for Customer - Red C - Catholic Radio Station
Basic Git Setup
Install Git in Ubuntu - "sudo apt-get install git"
Clone our ClockTimer respository - "git clone"
- This will create a clone of the repository on the local machine. A new folder called ShowClockTimer is created
Perform the changes in the local files.
To commit these changes to the git repository
- git status - Shows all the current files modified and current HEAD position.
- git pull origin master - To pull all the changes from the repository.
- git add <folder_name>/<file_name> - Adds the file/folder for the commit operation.Perform "git status" to check your changes
- git commit -m "Message" - Commits the changes.
- git push origin master - Pushes all the changes to the master branch of the remote git repo.
For basic reference please check the below tutorials -