is a command-line utility that scans Haskell projects for known vulnerabilities based on the
security advisories database.
It checks project dependencies, reports potential vulnerabilities, and provides details about the vulnerabilities, including links to relevant
advisories and possible fixes.
To install cabal-audit
, you can use Nix by running the following command:
nix run github:mangoiv/cabal-audit -- --help
If you don't use nix
, you can also build from source with cabal
. Just clone the repository and run cabal install
You can also download a static executable from one of the latest workflow runs.
We also have a cachix
. If you trust me (which I do not recommend, never trust anybody!), run cachix use cabal-audit
download directly from the cachix and skip building.
Run cabal-audit
to scan your project for known vulnerabilities:
λ cabal-audit --help
Welcome to cabal audit
Usage: cabal-audit [(-p|--file-path FILEPATH) | (-r|--repository REPOSITORY)]
[--verbosity ARG] [-m|--json] [-o|--to-file FILEPATH]
[-b|--no-color|--no-colour] [--fail-on-warning]
audit your cabal projects for vulnerabilities
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-p,--file-path FILEPATH the path to the repository containing an advisories
-r,--repository REPOSITORY
the url to the repository containing an advisories
-m,--json whether to format as json mapping package names to
osvs that apply
-o,--to-file FILEPATH specify a file to write to, instead of stdout
don't colour the output
--fail-on-warning Exits with an error code if any advisories are found
in the build plan
λ cabal-audit
trying to clone
Cloning into '/tmp/cabal-audit3119166'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 183, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (183/183), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (140/140), done.
remote: Total 183 (delta 5), reused 123 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (183/183), 131.50 KiB | 2.19 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), done.
Found advisories:
dependency "base" at version is vulnerable for:
HSEC-2023-0007 "readFloat: memory exhaustion with large exponent"
published: 2024-06-13 06:04:41 UTC
No fix version available
toml, parser, dos
dependency "process" at version is vulnerable for:
HSEC-2024-0003 "process: command injection via argument list on Windows"
published: 2024-06-13 06:04:41 UTC
Fix available since version
If you encounter an error related to lock file incompatibility, consider upgrading your Nix version.
- query for vulnerable dependencies in cabal plan
- human readable output
- machine readable output
- fix version suggestion
Contributions are welcome.
Building the project in a non-nix environment should be as easy as cabal build
, the build is tested against multiple ghc versions and operating systems in the CI so it should always work with one of these. If you don't use nix, installing the necessary tooling is as always possible with ghcup.
This repo is flake-enabled. To setup a devShell
, run nix develop
or direnv allow
If you change dependencies, please run regen-nix
to regenerate the nix derivations.