A very simple calculator written entirely in 16 bit x86 assembly language. Developed using Borland TASM under Windows XP SP3 32bit virtual machine in VMware Workstation 12.
It is a calculator similar to the one found in Windows. All the comments are in romanian language, but the names of the functions are self explanatory.
Keyboard shortcuts:
- 0...9 - numbers
- +, -, /, * - mathematical operations
- . - decimal separator
- Backspace - delete
- Spacebar - sign change +/-
- C,c - delete result
- R,r - square root
- P,p - PI number
- I,i - computes 1/x
- S,s - computes x^2
- B,b - computes x^3
- Enter, = (equal sign) - shows the result of the operation