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Examples for MacroExpress, a SwiftNIO based, Express.js like web framework


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Macro.swift Examples

A small, unopinionated "don't get into my way" / "I don't wanna wait" asynchronous web framework for Swift. With a strong focus on replicating the Node APIs in Swift. But in a typesafe, and fast way.

This repository contains examples for Macro.swift.

Running Examples as Scripts

Single file examples can be either run as scripts using swift-sh (install using a simple brew install mxcl/made/swift-sh), from within Xcode or via swift run.

This also contains an example for deploying to AWS Lambda: express-simple-lambda.


Raw HTTP server w/o Express extras (middleware, templates).

$ Sources/httpd-helloworld/main.swift
2020-01-07T17:14:35+0100 notice: Server listening on http://localhost:1337/

Single source file:

#!/usr/bin/swift sh

import Macro // @Macro-swift

http.createServer { req, res in
    console.log("\(req.method) \(req.url)")
    res.writeHead(200, [ "Content-Type": "text/html" ])
    res.write("<h1>Hello Client: \(req.url)</h1>")
    for ( key, value ) in req.headers {
.listen(1337) { server in
    console.log("Server listening on http://localhost:1337/")
$ Sources/express-simple/main.swift
2020-06-03T14:58:59+0200 notice: Server listening on http://localhost:1337

Single source file with associated static resources and Mustache templates. Forms, cookies, JSON, sessions, templates and cows - you get it all!

#!/usr/bin/swift sh

import MacroExpress // @Macro-swift
import cows         // @AlwaysRightInstitute

let app = express()
  serveStatic(__dirname() + "/public")

// MARK: - Express Settings

app.set("view engine", "html") // really mustache, but we want to use .html
app.set("views", __dirname() + "/views")

// MARK: - Session View Counter

app.use { req, _, next in
    req.session["viewCount"] = req.session[int: "viewCount"] + 1

// MARK: - Cows

app.get("/cows") { req, res in

// MARK: - Main page

app.get("/") { req, res in
    let tagline = taglines.randomElement()!
    let values : [ String : Any ] = [
        "tagline"     : tagline,
        "viewCount"   : req.session["viewCount"] ?? 0,
        "cowOfTheDay" : cows.vaca()
    res.render("index", values)

Main index.html Mustache template, w/ header/footer templates:

{{> header}}

    Reload page for a new cow and tagline!

  <pre style="border: 1px solid #DEDEDE; margin: 1em; padding: 0.5em;"

  <div class="menu-centered">
    <ul class="menu">
      <li><a href="/form">Form Demo</a></li>
      <li><a href="">Macro.swift</a></li>
{{> footer}}

Looks like this: MacroExpress Simple Screenshot

There is an AWS Lambda variant of this (with minor adjustments): express-simple-lambda.

Use the simpler connect module, instead of express. Probably no need to do this in the real world, just use MacroExpress.

Single source file with a static index.html plus images.

$ Sources/express-simple/main.swift
2021-01-30T16:16:17+0100 notice μ.console : Server listening on http://localhost:1337

A MacroExpress implementation of a Todo-Backend, a simple JSON API to access and modify a list of todos.

$ swift run todomvc
2020-06-03T14:58:59+0200 notice: Server listening on http://localhost:1337

Macro server to serve "DocC" archives, a format to document Swift frameworks and packages: Documenting a Swift Framework or Package.

$ swift run servedocc SlothCreator.doccarchive
2021-06-26T17:14:08+0200 notice μ.console : Server listening on: http://localhost:1337/
2021-06-26T17:14:08+0200 notice μ.console : DocC Archive: /Users/helge/Downloads/SlothCreator.doccarchive
2021-06-26T17:14:13+0200 notice μ.console : GET /documentation/              200 - - 2   ms


Macro is brought to you by ZeeZide. We like feedback, GitHub stars, cool contract work, presumably any form of praise you can think of.

There is a #microexpress channel on the Slack. Feel free to join!