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Building M2 from source using CMake

Mahrud Sayrafi edited this page Jun 29, 2024 · 5 revisions

Why CMake?

CMake is a cross-platform system for generating build environments using native tools such as Makefiles and Ninja or IDEs such as Xcode and Visual Studio. See this article on why the KDE project switched to CMake and this list of cool CMake features.

Also see this guide for building and packaging Macaulay2 in a Docker container.

Getting started

Download the latest CMake for your platform. CMake is available through Homebrew for both Mac OS X and Linux distributions. If using a packaged distribution, confirm using cmake --version that you have version at least 3.15. This build system is tested on GCC 6+, Clang 6+, and Xcode 9+ compilers.

TIP: install ccache for caching compiler artifacts and ninja-build (ninja on Brew) for optimized parallel builds.


There are various tools needed to compile Macaulay2 dependencies, plus about a dozen or so libraries that must be found on the system.

  • On Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install autoconf build-essential bison libtool pkg-config yasm libopenblas-dev libgmp3-dev libxml2-dev libreadline-dev libgdbm-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-stacktrace-dev libomp-dev libtbb-dev libffi-dev
  • On Fedora/CentOS
sudo dnf install autoconf automake bison libtool pkg-config yasm openblas-devel gmp-devel libxml2-devel readline-devel gdbm-devel boost-devel libomp-devel tbb-devel libffi-devel
  • On Mac OS X, using Homebrew
brew install autoconf automake bison libtool pkg-config yasm gmp libxml2 readline gdbm boost libomp tbb libffi

TIP: x86_64 and arm64 binary packages for all dependencies on Mac OS X 12+ and Linux distributions are available through the Macaulay2 tap for Homebrew. To download the dependencies this way run:

brew tap Macaulay2/tap
brew install --only-dependencies macaulay2/tap/M2

and append -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`brew --prefix` to an invocation of CMake prior to starting the build so that CMake can find the dependencies installed through Homebrew. See this page for a more fine-grained method of providing the prefix paths.

Quick build

A quick build involves the following steps:

git clone
cmake -GNinja -S M2/M2 -B M2/M2/BUILD/build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
cmake --build M2/M2/BUILD/build --target build-libraries build-programs
cmake --build M2/M2/BUILD/build --target install-packages
cmake --build M2/M2/BUILD/build --target M2-emacs
cmake --install M2/M2/BUILD/build

Each step is explained separately in the next section.

NOTE: the source directory must not contain any build artifacts from an in-source build. If you have built Macaulay2 in-source before, clean the build artifacts first by running make clean distclean in the source directory.

Building Macaulay2

  1. Clone Macaulay2:
git clone
  1. Setup the build environment:
cd M2/M2/BUILD/build
cmake -GNinja -S../.. -B. \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \

The -S../.. argument indicates the location of the source and -B. indicates the build directory. After those, arguments of type -DNAME=VALUE set the NAME variable to VALUE. For instance, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE determines various compiler flags to be used. Defined options are Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, and RelMinSize, with RelWithDebInfo being the default. The value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX determines the installation prefix.

This command generates the files used by the Ninja build system, which is much more efficient. To generate a Makefile instead, remove -GNinja and use make instead of ninja in subsequent commands.

  1. Build the libraries that will be linked with the Macaulay2 executable:
ninja build-libraries

Note that this target must be built separately, before proceeding to M2-binary.

To enforce building certain libraries, for instance BDWGC and MPIR, run cmake -DBUILD_LIBRARIES="BDWGC;MPIR", or cmake -DBUILD_LIBRARIES=ALL to build everything.

Tip: if you have already built the libraries in another build directory, use -DM2_HOST_PREFIX=[usr-host path] to tell CMake where to look for the libraries and programs. Note that most options can be changed after the initial call to CMake with a subsequent call:

cmake -DM2_HOST_PREFIX=[usr-host path] .
  1. Build the Macaulay2 binary and core scripts:
ninja M2-binary M2-core

The M2-binary is a prerequisite of M2-core, which is currently the default target, so just ninja also suffices.

  1. Build the programs used by some Macaulay2 packages:
ninja build-programs

Similar to the libraries, cmake -DBUILD_PROGRAMS=... can be used to enforce building specific programs.

  1. Install packages and generate documentation:
ninja install-packages

Testing Macaulay2

There are unit-tests available within the Macaulay2/e/unit-tests and Macaulay2/tests directories which can be tested using the CTest utility. Here are various ways of using ctest:

  • ctest --build-and-test: build and run all tests.
  • ctest -N: list all tests.
  • ctest -R unit-tests: run all tests in e/unit-tests.
  • ctest -R normal -j6: run all tests in tests/normal, in 6 parallel jobs.
  • ctest --rerun-failed -V: rerun the tests that failed in the last batch and echo the results.
  • ctest -R check-LocalRings -j4: run all tests in the LocalRings package, in 4 parallel jobs.
  • ctest -R check-LocalRings-2 -V: run the 3rd test in the LocalRings package and echo the result.
  • ctest -T memcheck -R ARingQQFlint: run matching tests through Valgrind

Note: if the last option does not work, try running ninja info-packages and cmake . to populate the tests.

Installing Macaulay2

To install on /usr, simply run ninja install. To change the installation prefix, first run:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .

Note that by default the install target depends only on the all target. The environment variable DESTDIR can be used to install in a staging environment. For example:

DESTDIR=/home/mahrud/staging ninja install

Packaging Macaulay2

CMake also supports creating rpm and deb packages as well as archives and dmg images using the cpack utility:

cpack -G DEB	# requires dpkg
cpack -G RPM	# requires rpmbuild

TIP: see this guide for packaging Macaulay2 for other Linux distributions using Docker.

NOTE: Macaulay2 is packaged for Mac OS X as a Homebrew bottle available through the Macaulay2 tap.

Advanced cached flags

Within the build environment, you can:

  • use cmake -L . to see a list of computed flags and options;
  • use cmake -DVARIABLE=VALUE . to change a cached variable; and
  • use cmake -UVARIABLE to unset the variable. Wildcard unsetting is allowed; e.g. cmake -U*VAR* .

For a complete list, along with descriptions, try cmake -LAH . or see cmake/configure.cmake. Here are the most useful flags, where the format is [FLAG]:[TYPE]=[DEFAULT VALUE], though specifying the type is optional.

Build flags

  • DEVELOPMENT:BOOL=OFF: set the DEVELOPMENT macro in config.h
  • EXPERIMENT:BOOL=OFF: set the EXPERIMENT macro in config.h
  • GIT_SUBMODULE:BOOL=ON: update submodules during build
  • LINTING:BOOL=OFF: enable linting C++ sources (see cmake/prechecks.cmake)
  • MEMDEBUG:BOOL=OFF: enable memory allocation debugging
  • PROFILING:BOOL=OFF: enable profiling build flags
  • USING_MPIR:BOOL=OFF: use MPIR instead of GMP
  • WITH_OMP:BOOL=ON: link with the OpenMP library
  • WITH_TBB:BOOL=ON: link with the TBB library
  • WITH_FFI:BOOL=ON: link with the FFI library
  • WITH_PYTHON:BOOL=OFF: link with the Python library (set to ON to use the Python package)
  • WITH_SQL:BOOL=OFF: link with the MySQL library
  • WITH_XML:BOOL=ON: link with the libxml2 library
  • BUILD_DOCS:BOOL=OFF: build internal documentation
  • BUILD_NATIVE:BOOL=ON: use native SIMD instructions
    • AUTOTUNE:BOOL=OFF: autotune library parameters (NTL and FFLAS-FFPACK)
  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF: build shared libraries
  • BUILD_TESTING:BOOL=ON: build the testing targets
    • SKIP_TESTS:STRING="mpsolve;googletest": tests to skip
    • SLOW_TESTS:STRING="eigen;ntl;flint": slow tests to skip
  • BUILD_LIBRARIES:STRING="": build libraries, even if found on the system
  • BUILD_PROGRAMS:STRING="": build programs, even if found on the system
  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=RelWithDebInfo: valid CMake build types are Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr: installation prefix
  • M2_HOST_PREFIX:PATH=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/usr-host: host build prefix
  • M2_DIST_PREFIX:PATH=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/usr-dist: target build prefix
  • PARALLEL_JOBS:STRING=4: specify the number of parallel jobs for libraries and programs

Macaulay2 flags

The following flags can be also set by giving environment variables to CMake (e.g. errorDepth=2 cmake .), though setting them this way is ephemeral.

  • CheckDocumentation:STRING=true: check documentation for completeness
  • IgnoreExampleErrors:STRING=true: ignore errors in example code
  • RemakeAllDocumentation:STRING=false: remake all documentation
  • RerunExamples:STRING=false: rerun example outpuat files
  • UserMode:STRING=[integer]: bitmask for ctest check arguments
  • debugLevel:STRING=0: set the debugging level
  • errorDepth:STRING=3: set the error printing depth
  • gbTrace:STRING=0: set the Groebner basis trace level
  • GC_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE:STRING=400M: maximum collected heap size for tests
  • PACKAGES:INTERNAL=[list of packages]: a space-separated list of packages

Advanced targets and options

Within the build environment, use make help (or ninja help) to get a list of valid targets.

The following are the general targets:

  • all (default)
  • install: install the build artifacts from the all target
    • install/local: only install artifacts from targets in the current directory
    • install/strip: install stripped binary and library artifacts
  • edit_cache: edit configure options and cache variables
  • rebuild_cache: rebuild the cache
  • clean: clean generated artifacts (but not everything)
  • clean-stamps: force libraries and programs to rerun their configure step.
  • list_install_components

Targets for Building Libraries and Programs

Macaulay2 uses several external libraries and programs, which can be built using the following targets:

  • build-libraries: build all libraries
    • build-bdwgc: Boehm-Demers-Weiser C/C++ Garbage Collector library
    • build-cddlib: cddlib library for the Double Description Method of Motzkin et al.
    • build-eigen: Eigen3 C++ template library for linear algebra
    • build-factory: Singular-Factory library for multivariate polynomal representations
    • build-fflas_ffpack: fflas-ffpack library for finite field linear algebra routines
    • build-flint: FLINT Fast Library for Number Theory
    • build-frobby: Frobby library for computations with monomial ideals
    • build-givaro: Givaro library for algebraic computations over prime and finite fields
    • build-glpk: GLPK GNU Linear Programming Kit
    • build-googletest: Googletest C++ unit-testing library
    • build-mathic: Mathic library for symbolic algebra data structures
    • build-mathicgb: Mathicgb library for signature Groebner bases library
    • build-memtailor: Memtailor library for special purpose memory allocators
    • build-mpfr: MPFR GNU Multiple Precision Floating Point library
    • build-mpfi: MPFI a multiple precision interval arithmetic library based on MPFR
    • build-mpir: MPIR Multiple Precision Integers & Rationals library (optional replacement for GMP)
    • build-mpsolve: MPSolve library for solving multiprecision polynomials
    • build-msolve: MSolve library for solving multivariate polynomials
    • build-nauty: nauty library for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs
    • build-normaliz: Normaliz library for computations in affine monoids, lattice polytopes, and rational cones
    • build-ntl: NTL library for doing number theory
  • build-programs: build all programs
    • build-4ti2: 4ti2 software for algebraic, geometric, and combinatorial problems on linear spaces
    • build-cohomcalg: cohomCalg software for computation of sheaf cohomologies for line bundles on toric varieties
    • build-csdp: CSDP software for solving semidefinite programming problems
    • build-gfan: Gfan software for computing Grobner fans and tropical varieties
    • build-lrslib: lrs software for vertex enumeration/convex hull problems
    • build-topcom: TOPCOM software for computing triangulations of point configurations and oriented matroids

Additionally, build targets are available for a few programs which are not built and distributed by default due to time or licensing constraints:

  • build-bertini: Bertini software for numerical algebraic geometry
  • build-phcpack: PHCpack software for solving polynomial systems by homotopy continuation methods
  • build-polymake: polymake software for research in polyhedral geometry

Note that the targets for individual libraries and programs only build the respective component in the libraries subdirectory in the build directory, while the build-libraries and build-programs targets also invoke build-[LIBRARY or PROGRAM]-install on each component in order to install the artifacts in the usr-host subdirectory.

Targets for Autotuning Libraries

Targets for autotuning various parameters in libraries:

  • build-fflas_ffpack-autotune: generates fflas-ffpack-thresholds.h
  • build-ntl-wizard: run the NTL wizard

Note: rerun the corresponding build-[library]-install target after the targets above.

Targets for Building Macaulay2

The main targets for building Macaulay2 are:

  • M2-engine: build the libM2-engine library
  • M2-binary: build the Macaulay2 executable
  • M2-core: generate and copy the Core package
  • M2-emacs: generate the M2-mode package for Emacs
  • M2-prism: generate prism.js (javascript syntax highlighter)
  • M2-highlightjs: generate highlight.js (javascript syntax highlighter)

In addition, the following targets are available:

  • scc1: build the Safe C Compiler
  • M2-interpreter: translate .d and .dd sources into C and C++ sources
  • M2-supervisor: build the Macaulay2 multithreading supervisor
  • M2-tests: build various miscellaneous tests (currently ComputationsBook)

Targets for Installing Macaulay2 Packages

The following targets involve the Macaulay2 packages located in the Macaulay2/packages subdirectory in the source:

  • list-packages: print the list of packages to be installed (can be modified using the PACKAGES cache option)
  • install-packages: run installPackage for each distributed package
  • check-packages: run check for each distributed package
  • uninstall-packages: remove installed files for all packages

For specific packages, the following targets are also available:

  • install-[PACKAGE]: install the individual package
  • check-[PACKAGE]: run the tests for the individual package
  • all-[PACKAGE]: install and run the tests for the individual package
  • uninstall-[PACKAGE]: uninstall the individual package

Targets for Generating Macaulay2 Syntax Highlighters

  • M2-emacs: generate the M2.el package for Emacs
  • M2-editors: generate various syntax highlighting grammar files, such as this one


A list of common issues and errors related to the CMake build is available on the GitHub Wiki. If you run into a problem not listed there or among the list of issues labeled with build system, please open a new issue on GitHub.

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