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This is my attempt to move my homelab from manual deployed using mostly docker compose and manual editing of a handful of config files, to a more modern gitops approach. The k8s cluster is a picocluster 3 node cluster with raspberry pi 4 4gbs, then there is a consumer desktop running a amd 5900x and quadro rtx 4000 that is used for specific workloads. I also added an ewaste tier laptop I used in college for fun.

Bootstrapping is done by running the ansible playbook to set up k3s, then the terraform to set up argocd and other core components.



  • Added argocd and paperless to sso and started messing with Authentik. Haven't connected the dots on setting this up smoothly yet. Seems to be a case by case basis


  • Learned that postgres does not like ext4 filesystems because they add lost+found directory.
  • Created a new longhorn-xfs storageclass to use xfs instead of ext4 for the postgres volume


  • Finished migration to gatewayapi from ingress. Biggest challenge was external services, which was solved by using a service without a selector and a manually created endpointslice. I think not using VirtualServices from istio may block me from doing sidecars for those, but that's probably ok. Hopefully by the time I want to do that, things are better documented. This blog was the greatest help.


  • Started migrating to gatewayapi from ingress. Not for any real reason, but just to learn how to stay on the latest hotness.


  • Needed to bump pod limit for server. Seemed best way to do that is by creating a conf file:
    kind: KubeletConfiguration
    maxPods: 250
    Then modify /etc/systemd/system/k3s-agent.service to use it as an arg


  • Deployed longhorn with some usb drives in the pis to play with some distributed ha storage for the stateful workloads. I think this will be a better option than nfs for those applications.
  • Set up minio for s3 storage. This well be useful for backing up the longhorn volumes in particular, but should let me use it for anything that wants blob storage.


  • Set up longhorn with 128gb usb in each pi node to test out distributed HA storage options for the stateful workloads. I think this may be a better option than nfs for those applications.


  • Gave in on using istio for ingress objects. Seems that the backend is not getting found by istio. Instead of moved all my ingresses into virtual services. This seems to make sense since I intend to migrate to istio gateway api eventually anyway.


  • Attempted flipping over to istio for all ingress instead of haproxy
    • Needed to disable haproxy, enable the nat rules, and update unbound overrides
    • Keep haproxy running just for the k3s control plane. But nat 443/80 to istio
    • Cert manager needs to be told to check a different nameserver for the dns challenge or else the hairpinning will cause the dns challenge to fail


  • After power cycling the rack, istio was failing to come up with invalid config and webhook not ready. Tried reinstalling via helm and istioctl. A reboot of the server that the istio control plane is on fixed it after 4 hours of debugging. :headdesk:


  • Setting up authpols for istio so that I can soon replace haproxy with istio as my edge load balancer to simplify things and no longer use the haproxy ui in opnsense
    • Tested and confirmed the access control is working using an external network
    • Next step is getting the weirder services like nextcloud and rxresume working with istio


  • Started using kustomize to manage the k8s manifests through argocd
  • Added renovate to update helm charts and kustomize bases, this pairs nicely with kustomize setting the image tags
  • Patched frigate to use the hostpath path for the frigate media since it will only ever run on the server node so local-path storageclass just made a mess of the path names and nfs is slow for no reason


  • Flipped switch to disable docker and bring server into the cluster. Frigate is happily using time slicing, the tpu, and the gpu


  • Working on moving monitoring to k8s
  • Grafana seems like I can gitops the whole config. For another day, for now we'll use persistent storage for the config.
  • VMstack should deploy everything for monitoring that I had in docker compose in one shot.
    • This crashed my cluster. I will go back a step and set resource limits on everything.


  • Continued migrating basic non-gpu services
  • Rxresume pdf download may not be possible to get working with the way routing is setup in there
  • Backrest may be tricky to get the paths going correctly. I will nodeselect it to the server and local storage for later and hopefully that simplifies things.
  • For using the gpu, may need to switch from nvidia device plugin to gpu operator for time slicing


  • Moved vaultwarden to 'production'. For ha I'll need to setup a better db backend than sqlite.
  • Migrated most media server services to k8s. Main trickiness was with qbittorrent so the other things have went straight to prod
  • Tautulli has been a bit slow. Going to try putting it on the hp laptop to see if it is a pi/microsd issue.
  • Found some more fanciness with kustomize in setting up immich. That seems ready to go for when the gpu node is up.


  • Got radarr and sonarr working without a hitch.
  • Qbittorrent and gluetun vpn was a pain because I didn't connect the dots that gluetun needed its own vpn config and was just trying to reuse the keys from the docker compose setup. Wrote a NetworkPolicy that should only allow radarr, sonarr, and vpn egress from qbittorrent. Will need to update it if the vpn endpoint changes.
  • Setting up cert-manager following this.
    • Got haproxy using the cert-manager root ca to verify the cert to the backend
    • Found sni is critical for the ingress to provide the correct cert and ssl verification to work
    • Decided to use a single cert as default for the ingress controller to reduce the modification of the haproxy config which is outside of gitops control currently and would be difficult to refactor the way the config is set up.
    • Simply needed to add the intermediate and root ca to opnsense trust store and enable ssl verification in the haproxy backend config
  • Found kubeshark worker can'gt run on rpi because it lacks bpf support.
  • Got frigate ready to go when the server is back in the cluster. Did some tricks with ignoredifferences to let me set the replicas to 0 for now. Maybe I could have changed the node selector to match the offline server but this works for now. Also made use of dual sources to have a valuesfile, valuesobject, and helm chart since the frigate config all goes in a confmap.


  • Got the first app migrated off docker compose to k8s: ytdl. This will likely be the first app to be fully migrated because it is the simplest in terms of configuration and state.
    • No crazy issues, kompose seemed to do a decent job if not perfect.
    • Scaled down to allow the copy from the docker folder to nfs folder to complete


  • Authentik login is now working after telling ingress-nginx that it should use the forwarded headers from haproxy since it isn't on the edge
  • Ran some further tests with the ingress and haproxy on the edge. Found that my private/public map files worked just as well for k8s endpoints. I simply need to point the subdomain such as bitwarden to k8s as the backend instead of to bitwarden as the backend. This is a good solution because it allows me to use the same haproxy config setup for both k8s and non-k8s services and will allow me to slowly migrate away from using the bad haproxy ui in opnsense for configuration of my routes.


  • Got the nvidia container runtime working in the server. Secret trick was runtimeClassName: nvidia in the pod spec
  • Also learned that k3s uses the containerd config in /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml


  • Worked on authentik secrets and config
    • Found that . separators in yaml isn't valid for helm
    • Found that helm chart dependencies have their own values that can be overridden and have to be investigated independently
    • PSQL wasn't being recreated on deletion. Found it was because it kept reusing the same PV.


  • Installed the nvidia gpu operator
    • Had to install cuda drivers and container toolkit on the host
    • Had a bug for the containerd config version that required installing the latest version of container toolkit
  • Got vault working with a ton of manual steps that aren't gitops'd yet
    • source
    • To unseal the vault, run export VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY=$(jq -r ".unseal_keys_b64[]" cluster-keys.json); kubectl exec -it vault-0 -- vault operator unseal $VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY
    • Sops encrypted the cluster secret using my ssh key converted to an age key and stored in ~/.config/age/keys.txt
    • Decided vault may be a bit heavy for my needs. Going to investigate ksops
  • Installed ksops in argocd-repo-server
    • main manual thing was just adding the age key as a secret in the argocd namespace and applying the ksops-patch.yaml kubectl patch deployment argocd-repo-server -n argocd --patch-file ksops-patch.yaml --type strategic `age-keygen -o -o age-key.txt
    • needed to split authentik app up because argocd expects if there is a kustomization.yaml that that handles everything so the helm chart wasn't deploying


  • Moved the argocd core components that needed to be k applyd to terraform
  • Add server as a worker node but taint it so it doesn't run any workloads unless specified
    • This removes the metallb speaker pod from the node
      • This is desirable because the speaker pod should be on the same nodes as what haproxy passes traffic to for the k8s subdomain
      • If it needed to change we could aadd speaker.nodeSelector.metallbSpeakerEnabled to the metallb helm values and then add the nodelabel to the nodes that should run the speaker


  • ingress-nginx setup. there is also nginx-ingress but ingress-nginx is preferred
  • ingress working at
    • setup haproxy to point anything with the host header ending in to forward to the nginx ingress controller
    • need to update the cert SAN to allow *


  • Metallb assigning IP addresses to services
  • Metallb set to advertise routes to opnsense
  • Opnsense configured to use bgp and advertising the received routes
  • Able to reach argocd from the external ip set by metallb

With opnsense running a virtual ip and haproxy load balancer there, the metallb load balancer isn't exactly necessary. However, it is good practice and exposure to setting up BGP.


  • Argocd applicationset to deploy applications in the repo


  • Ansible configured to set up k3s cluster
  • Ansible configured to set up argocd


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