This tool converts pytorch model to Caffe model by ONNX
only use for inference
- caffe (with python support)
- pytorch 0.4 (optional if you only want to convert onnx)
- onnx
we recomand using protobuf 2.6.1 and install onnx from source
git clone --recursive
cd onnx
python install
run to make sure it has been installed correctly
To convert onnx model to caffe:
python ./model/MobileNetV2.onnx ./model/MobileNetV2.prototxt ./model/MobileNetV2.caffemodel
- Conv
- ConvTranspose
- BatchNormalization
- MaxPool
- AveragePool
- Relu
- Sigmoid
- Dropout
- Gemm (InnerProduct only)
- Add
- Mul
- Reshape
- Upsample
- Concat
- Flatten
- support all onnx operations (which is impossible)
- merge batchnormization to convolution
- merge scale to convolution