Script made by Misery
make sure you have python at least v3.10.6 and download OsuPyParser
pip install OsuPyParser
then download the .py file and place it in a folder of your likings. For example make a new folder called "OsuToBB" and place it there.
- Download osu! map
- Open downloaded map in osu!
- After that locate your osu! folder and go to: osu! -> Songs and search for the map you want to convert
- Pick .osu file and copy it to the folder where the converter is (mine is OsuToBB folder so i would copy .osu file there)
- Rename .osu file to "osuFile.osu"
- Open terminal/console and go to the converter's folder
- run "python .\" or "python .\"
- In the same folder a file called "notes.cfg" should be created
- Swap "notes.cfg" files inside "mods/mod_name/default/config"
- In BB open mod via level editor, set the bpm to the song bpm and set SongOffset to 0
This script treats sliders as normal single notes
Script ignores them and add only the first occuring note in [HitObjects] section of original .osu file