This simple wrapper builds, sends and interprets the commands sent too the Paypal Express Checkout API (NVP).
The current functionality is limited, but should allow you too:
- Fetch a payment token
- Take a payment
- Setup a payment subscription
Which is acheived by wrapping the following API 'requests':
- CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
- DoExpressCheckoutPayment
- DoVoid
- GetExpressCheckoutDetails
- SetExpressCheckout
and any responses are placed into the 'Response' object, which can be queried for common information API information.
To understand how this paypal API works I would recommend reading the documentation, the following links should be useful:
- Each request class has a link to the corresponding API documentation
The library is PSR-0 compliant and the simplest way to install it is via composer, at the moment it isn't part of the main composer package library so it can be included by putting:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require-dev": {
"mmtdigital/paypalexpresscheckout": "master"
into your composer.json.
Fetch an 'Express Checkout Token'
$exCheckout = new \PaypalExpressCheckout\Request\SetExpressCheckout();
$exCheckout ->setQueryParameter('RETURNURL', '')
->setQueryParameter('PAYMENT_REQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL', '')
->setQueryParameter('CANCELURL', '')
->setQueryParameter('L_BILLINGTYPE0', 'RecurringPayments')
->setQueryParameter('L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0', 'Re-occurring Payment for a subscription')
->setQueryParameter('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0', 24.00)
->setQueryParameter('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0', 'My Subscription')
->setQueryParameter('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0', 1)
->setQueryParameter('L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER0', 0)
->setQueryParameter('PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION', 'Sale')
->setQueryParameter('PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT', 24.00)
->setQueryParameter('PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0', 'My product description')
if (!$exCheckout->isValid())
throw new Exception('Missing Parameters: ' . implode(', ', $exCheckout->determineMissingFields()));
$paypalResponse = $exCheckout->send();