Releases: MKLab-ITI/easIE
Releases · MKLab-ITI/easIE
easIE: minor fixes
easIE: updating dependencies
Updating dependencies and performing minor fixes.
easIE v0.4
Minor Updates
easIE v0.3
- A third version of easIE.
- The schema of the configuration file was extended to associate each configuration file with optional metadata fields following the Dublin Core Metadata standard.
- Assigns type on the extracted metric values automatically.
- Supports different units of measure for numeric values.
- WARNINGS are generated prompting users to check the validity of the extraction rules in case no content was able to be extracted based on a given extraction rule. That helps to maintain the Configuration Files in case of changes performed in the structure of a given data source.
- jSimilarity library is used to calculate tf-idf weights in company mapping procedure.
- The chromedriver is required in order to extract data from dynamic pages.
- A second version of easIE
- Structural changes have been conducted in the configuration file
- Supports navigation within static and dynamic web pages
- A validation of the configuration file is supported
- jSimilarity library is used to calculate tf-idf weights in company mapping procedure
- The chomedriver is required in order to extract data from dynamic pages