- Visual Studio Code
- Docker
xhost +
to ensure this works. After cloning the repository, open up the project. VSCode will prompt you to reopen in a container. Hit yes, and then the coding environment for this repository will spin up. Once that finishes, you can start developing for this repository!
Follow this link to learn how to pass your git credentials to the container. You can also refer to this Stack Overflow Post for reference.
You can pass your NVIDIA GPUs by changing .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
's 3rd line:
- "dockerComposeFile": "../docker-compose.yml",
+ "dockerComposeFIle": "../docker-compose.nvidia.yml",
After cloning this repository, you can run docker-compose up -d
to start up the coding environment. From there, you can docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash
(you can use docker ps
to view active containers) to access the container.
Instead of running docker-compose up -d
, run docker-compose -f docker-compose.nvidia.yml up -d
You'll have to run
to open therviz
program. The/dev
directory should be mounted to the container by default, do you should not have to worry about mounting them yourself to the container when you runsudo docker-compose up
is also an executable you can run, but I you'd probably have to plug in the camera first before running this executable.
In the container, run colcon build
to build all the packages. Once that's finished, you can source the generated setup file (ex: source install/setup.bash
), and then run the package (ex: ros2 run buoy_detection ai
- To view running nodes and topics, run
The main branch of this repository is protected, so in order to contribute to this project, you'll need to make pull requests to the main branch.
⭐ Although the linked video tells you to fork the repository, you really just need to make a separate branch from the main branch, or from another branch you want to contribute to. ⭐
Make sure you have another person reviewing your code before you merge it to the main branch! We want to make sure that it's code that we want to have in the main branch 😊