Dive into the heart-pounding excitement of 'Guess the Number'! The computer conceals a mystery digit between 1 and 100, challenging you to decode its elusive choice. With each guess, immediate feedback guides your strategy—will the next attempt be higher or lower? The game's dynamic loop keeps you on the edge, tallying attempts as you inch closer to victory. Revel in the celebration as you conquer the hidden code, or reset for a new challenge. 'Guess the Number'—where intuition meets triumph in a thrilling numerical quest!
The computer generates a random number between a specified range (e.g., 1 to 100). The player is prompted to enter their first guess.
Game Loop:
The game enters a loop where it checks if the player's guess is correct. If the guess is correct, the player wins, and the game congratulates them. If the guess is too high or too low, the game provides a hint and prompts the player to guess again.
User Input:
The player inputs their guess through a prompt or an input field on a web page. The input is converted to a number for comparison.
The game provides feedback on whether the guess is correct, too high, or too low. This feedback can be displayed through alerts, console messages, or on the web page.
The game loop continues until the player guesses the correct number. Optionally, you can keep track of the number of attempts the player took to guess the correct number.
End Game:
Once the correct number is guessed, the game concludes, and the player is informed of their victory. You might also offer an option to play again, resetting the game