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Explore the world of data-driven customer analysis and lifetime value estimation. This project dives into customer segmentation, geographic analysis, time series insights, stock trends, and product descriptions. Join us on our journey of data exploration and optimization.

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Customer lifetime value (CLV) can help you to answers the most important questions about sales to every company:

How to Identify the most profitable customers?

How can a company offer the best product and make the most money?

How to segment profitable customers?

How much budget need to spend to acquire customers?

Table of Contents

  1. Customer Lifetime Value Analysis

  2. EDA - Customer Lifetime Value

  3. Time Series Analysis

  4. Stock Analysis

  5. Descriptions Analysis

  6. Conclusion


Customer lifetime value (CLV) provides insights into how profitable customers are to your business over their entire relationship with you. It can help you optimize your sales strategies, improve product offerings, segment customers effectively, and allocate your budget wisely.

Key Questions Addressed

Our analysis answers some of the most critical questions related to customer lifetime value:

  1. How to Identify the Most Profitable Customers? - Learn how to distinguish customers who bring the most value to your business.

  2. How Can a Company Offer the Best Product and Maximize Revenue? - Understand how to tailor your product offerings to maximize profitability.

  3. How to Segment Profitable Customers? - Discover strategies for segmenting customers based on their value to your business.

  4. How Much Budget Is Needed to Acquire Customers? - Find out the resources required for customer acquisition while maximizing ROI.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to begin your journey with our Customer Lifetime Value analysis.

Importing the Necessary Libraries

We'll start by importing the Python libraries required for data analysis and visualization. Make sure you have these libraries installed to run our analysis.

Loading Data

To perform the analysis, we'll need to load the relevant data. Our dataset provides the foundation for estimating customer lifetime value.

Data Processing

Data processing is a crucial step in preparing our data for analysis. We'll explore data cleaning, transformations, and feature engineering.

Handling Missing Data

Missing data can impact the accuracy of our analysis. We'll discuss how we address missing data points in the dataset.

Dealing with Duplicated Rows

Duplicate rows can skew our analysis results. We'll identify and handle duplicated entries in the data.

Converting Data Types

Data types play a crucial role in our analysis. We'll ensure that data types are appropriate for our calculations.

Treating Cancelled Transactions

Cancelled transactions can affect our analysis. We'll discuss how we handle these scenarios to get accurate insights into customer lifetime value.

EDA - Customer Lifetime Value

In the world of business analytics, understanding and calculating Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) is essential. There are various approaches to calculate CLTV, and each business may have its own perspective on what's suitable. In this section, we will explore one approach.

CLTV Formula

The CLTV formula we will explore is as follows:

CLTV = ((Average Order Value x Purchase Frequency) / Churn Rate) x Profit Margin.

1. Calculate Average Order Value

  • Explanation of how to calculate Average Order Value goes here.

2. Calculate Purchase Frequency

  • Explanation of how to calculate Purchase Frequency goes here.

3. Calculate Repeat Rate and Churn Rate

  • Description of how to calculate Repeat Rate and Churn Rate.
  • The percentage of Repeat Rate is: 98.34%.

4. Calculate Profit Margin

  • Profit Margin represents the percentage of total sales earned as profit. Assuming a 10% profit margin for our business.

5. Calculate Customer Lifetime Value

  • The final step is to calculate the Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) based on the formula above.

This is just one approach to CLTV analysis. Your business may have its own unique considerations and metrics to calculate CLTV effectively.

Customer Segmentation

Segmenting your customers based on their total purchase value is a powerful way to understand your customer base and tailor your marketing and business strategies effectively.

Customers With High Transactions

Identifying and analyzing customers with high transaction volumes is essential for optimizing your sales strategies and ensuring the highest customer satisfaction.

Geographic Analysis

Geographic analysis provides valuable insights into customer distribution, regional preferences, and the impact of location on business operations.

TOP 10 Countries in Revenue of Purchase

Identifying the top countries contributing to revenue can help prioritize marketing efforts and expansion strategies.

In Which Country Do We Have More Customers?

Understanding the distribution of customers across different countries is essential for tailoring marketing campaigns and optimizing customer experiences.

Countries That Have High Cancellation of Orders

Identifying countries with a high rate of order cancellations can inform strategies for reducing cancellations and improving customer satisfaction.

Countries with Low Cancellation of Orders

Highlighting countries with low order cancellation rates can serve as examples of effective business operations and customer satisfaction.

Time Series Analysis

Time series analysis involves examining data collected or recorded over time to identify patterns, trends, and insights. This section focuses on understanding temporal aspects of your business data.

Any Patterns or Trends in Count of Orders?

Analyzing the count of orders over time can reveal trends and patterns that are essential for business planning and decision-making.

Month VS Total Purchase

Exploring the relationship between months and total purchase can provide insights into monthly variations in sales and revenue.

Month with High Cancellation of Orders

Identifying months with a high rate of order cancellations can help improve order fulfillment processes and customer satisfaction.

Stock Analysis

Stock analysis is crucial for understanding which products or stock items are in high demand and have a significant impact on your business.

Top 10 Stocks With High Orders

Identifying the top 10 stock items with the highest number of orders can help you understand product popularity and optimize inventory management.

Descriptions Analysis

Analyzing product descriptions can provide valuable insights into the variety and popularity of items in your inventory.

How Many Unique Descriptions Do We Have?

Identifying the number of unique descriptions can help you understand the diversity of products in your inventory.

Which Are the Most Common Descriptions?

Determining the most common product descriptions can give you insights into which items are frequently purchased.

Which Product Has Achieved the Highest Sales?

Finding the product with the highest sales can highlight your best-selling item and inform your inventory and marketing strategies.


In this project, we have conducted a comprehensive analysis of our business data, focusing on customer lifetime value, customer segmentation, geographic analysis, time series analysis, stock analysis, and product descriptions. This analysis has provided valuable insights into our business operations and customer behavior.

Key Findings:

  • We have estimated customer lifetime value (CLTV) using a well-established formula, allowing us to make informed decisions on customer relationships and resource allocation.
  • Customer segmentation based on total purchase value revealed valuable insights about different customer groups, enabling targeted marketing strategies.
  • Geographic analysis helped us understand regional preferences, customer distribution, and order cancellations in different countries.
  • Time series analysis uncovered trends and patterns in the count of orders and their correlation with total purchases.
  • Stock analysis highlighted the top 10 stock items with high orders, aiding inventory management.
  • Product descriptions analysis provided insights into the diversity of our product inventory and identified the most common descriptions and top-selling products.

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Explore the world of data-driven customer analysis and lifetime value estimation. This project dives into customer segmentation, geographic analysis, time series insights, stock trends, and product descriptions. Join us on our journey of data exploration and optimization.







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