Описание репозитория
Consider adding "python " before script, but it should work correctly without it for linux.
Scripts are usnig next commands:
- wc - currently not working
- ls - Displays list of files in directory. example: ./ls.py -a (Optional - Showing hidden files)
- sort - Displays sorted lines in file. example: ./sort.py
- rm - Deletes files or directories if specified. example: ./rm.py directory -r (Optional - Deletes tagged directory)
intall script - currently not working
- mkdir - Creates directories and paths if specified. example: ./mkdir.py path/path1/dir1 -p (Optional - Creates tagged path of dirs)
- tail - Displays last 10 lines in files if not specified. example: ./tail.py file.txt -n=4 (Optional - Number of lines)
- head - Displays first 10 lines in files if not specified. example: ./head,py file.txt -n=4 (Optional - Number of lines)
- pwd - Displays current working directory. example: ./pwd
- cat - Reading cat. example: ./cat file.txt
- . example: ./
- . example: ./
- . example: ./
- . example: ./