A small set of functions to discover function(s) declaration(s), and their inner commands using AST and draw graph dependecy. The idea being we can explore a set of ps1/psm1 files without loading them.. i want to add some stuff to explorer functions help, and maybe some kind of reverse build ..
FU* Stands for Function Utility :p
I simply use the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) to discover FunctionDefinitionsTypes
inside the ps1/psm1 file and CommandAst
types inside each function.
I used classes to write my script... Why ? Cause CLASSES are AWSOME !
will help you find all function(s) declaration(s) within ps1/psm1 file(s). For each discovered function, the function will also find every commands within this function. It will output a custom FUFunction
PS >Find-FUFunction -Path ..\..\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Name Commands Path
---- -------- ----
Convertto-Titlecase {Get-Culture} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Find-Cuclass {Write-Verbose, Get-Childitem, Get-Cuclass, Where-Object...} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Cuast {Write-Verbose} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
New-Cugraphexport {Join-Path, Export-Psgraph} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
New-Cugraphparameters {Out-Cupsgraph} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Out-Cupsgraph {Write-Verbose, Get-Module, Get-Module, Import-Module...} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Cuclass {Get-Item, Resolve-Path, Get-Cuast, Get-Culoadedclass} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Cuclassconstructor {Get-Item, Resolve-Path, Get-Cuclass} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Cuclassmethod {Where-Object, Get-Item, Resolve-Path, Get-Cuclass} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Cuclassproperty {Get-Cuclass} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Cucommands {Get-Command} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Cuenum {Throw, Get-Cuast, ?} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Culoadedclass {Where-Object, Foreach-Object, Select-Object, Get-Cuast} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Get-Curaw {Get-Item, Resolve-Path} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Install-Cudiagramprerequisites {Get-Module, Get-Module, Write-Verbose, Install-Module...} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Test-Iscustomtype {Where} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Write-Cuclassdiagram {Test-Path, New-Object, Get-Item, Get-Childitem...} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Write-Cuinterfaceimplementation {} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
Write-Cupestertest {Gci, Get-Cuclass, Get-Item, Group-Object...} C:\Users\Lx\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils\PSClassUtils.psm1
You have every function declaration discovered in the psclassutils.psm1 file for the magnificient PSCLASSUTILS module and for each function declaration, all its internal commands.
fullpath of a ps1/psm1 file, accept values from the pipeline...-ExcludePSCmdlets
switch to exlcude default cmdlts and aliases...
will export all discovered function definitions in it's owner ps1 file.
PS C:\> Find-FUFunction -Path .\PSFunctionExplorer.psm1 | Expand-FUFile
Répertoire : C:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 30/04/2019 23:24 658 Expand-FUFile.ps1
-a---- 30/04/2019 23:24 3322 Find-Fufunction.ps1
-a---- 30/04/2019 23:24 2925 Write-FUGraph.ps1
FUFunction Object Type..-Path
Export Path, by default, will use the current directory..
will draw a graph of dependencies. Just check the Examples ...
You will need the awsome PSGraph Module!..
PSFunctionExplore.psm1 file:..
- Red node(s): The function has a dependency, to ..well follow the line :)..
- Green node(s): Standalone function !..
- Black node(s): External function, in this example: graph, node, edge and export-psgraph are imported function from PSGRAPH...
Objects generated withFind-FUFunction
FullName of the export file that will be generated. If not specified, a random filename in the current directory will be used-OutPutFormat
File output format available @ the momentpdf, png
. Default ispng
Layout engine used by graphviz to generate the graph. Available @ the momentdot, circo, hierarchical
. Defaultdot
Display the graph when it's generated-AsDot
Display graph data. Can be used on http://www.webgraphviz.com/ or http://viz-js.com/ for example. Works also with Gephi. You need to save the graph data in a dot file. For example i tried it for dbatools ... more thant 700 functions ...!
I've tasked to study a huuuuuuge module, with no comment, no documentation etc... It helped me understand how each functions interacts with one another.
Thanks to @stephanevg who inspired me to create this module and helped me discover AST and let me work on psclassutils ! His Github: https://github.com/Stephanevg/
PSHtml Graph:
Thanks to @ChrisLGardner for his advices!