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Merge pull request #247 from chrisbrahms/fullmodal
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Fix full modal nonlinear polarisation
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chrisbrahms authored Oct 25, 2021
2 parents 999d727 + bc3bbfe commit 8858ef5
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Showing 5 changed files with 174 additions and 11 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Luna"
uuid = "30eb0fb0-5147-11e9-3356-d75b018717ce"
authors = ["chrisbrahms <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.1.2"

ArgParse = "c7e460c6-2fb9-53a9-8c5b-16f535851c63"
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/Capillary.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,15 +261,16 @@ dimlimits(m::MarcatiliMode; z=0) = (:polar, (0.0, 0.0), (radius(m, z), 2π))

# we use polar coords, so xs = (r, θ)
function field(m::MarcatiliMode, xs; z=0)
r, θ = xs
if m.kind == :HE
return (besselj(m.n-1, xs[1]*m.unm/radius(m, z)) .* SVector(
cos(xs[2])*sin(m.n*(xs[2] + m.ϕ)) - sin(xs[2])*cos(m.n*(xs[2] + m.ϕ)),
sin(xs[2])*sin(m.n*(xs[2] + m.ϕ)) + cos(xs[2])*cos(m.n*(xs[2] + m.ϕ))
return (besselj(m.n-1, r*m.unm/radius(m, z)) .* SVector(
cos(θ)*sin(m.n*(θ + m.ϕ)) - sin(θ)*cos(m.n*(θ + m.ϕ)),
sin(θ)*sin(m.n*(θ + m.ϕ)) + cos(θ)*cos(m.n*(θ + m.ϕ))
elseif m.kind == :TE
return besselj(1, xs[1]*m.unm/radius(m, z)) .* SVector(-sin(xs[2]), cos(xs[2]))
return besselj(1, r*m.unm/radius(m, z)) .* SVector(-sin(θ), cos(θ))
elseif m.kind == :TM
return besselj(1, xs[1]*m.unm/radius(m, z)) .* SVector(cos(xs[2]), sin(xs[2]))
return besselj(1, r*m.unm/radius(m, z)) .* SVector(cos(θ), sin(θ))

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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/NonlinearRHS.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ function pointcalc!(fval, xs, t::TransModal)
fval[:, i] .= 0.0
if size(xs, 1) > 1
if size(xs, 1) > 1 # full 2-D mode integral
x2 = xs[2, i]
if t.dimlimits[1] == :polar
pre = x1
Expand All @@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ function pointcalc!(fval, xs, t::TransModal)
to_time!(t.Er, t.Erω, t.Erωo, inv(t.FT))
# get nonlinear pol at r,θ
Et_to_Pt!(t.Pr, t.Er, t.resp, t.density)
t.ncalls += 1
@. t.Pr *= t.grid.towin
to_freq!(t.Prω, t.Prωo, t.Pr, t.FT)
@. t.Prω *= t.grid.ωwin
Expand All @@ -277,17 +278,18 @@ end

function (t::TransModal)(nl, Eω, z)
reset!(t, Eω, z)
_, ll, ul = t.dimlimits
if t.full
val, err = Cubature.pcubature_v(
val, err = Cubature.hcubature_v(
(x, fval) -> pointcalc!(fval, x, t),
t.dimlimits[2], t.dimlimits[3],
ll, ul,
reltol=t.rtol, abstol=t.atol, maxevals=t.mfcn, error_norm=Cubature.L2)
val, err = Cubature.pcubature_v(
(x, fval) -> pointcalc!(fval, x, t),
(t.dimlimits[2][1],), (t.dimlimits[3][1],),
(ll[1],), (ul[1],),
reltol=t.rtol, abstol=t.atol, maxevals=t.mfcn, error_norm=Cubature.L2)
nl .= reshape(reinterpret(ComplexF64, val), size(nl))
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98 changes: 97 additions & 1 deletion test/test_multimode.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ end
energyfun, energyfunω = Fields.energyfuncs(grid)

dens0 = PhysData.density(gas, pres)
densityfun(z) = dens0
densityfun = let dens0=PhysData.density(gas, pres)
z -> dens0
responses = (Nonlinear.Kerr_field(PhysData.γ3_gas(gas)),)
linop, βfun!, frame_vel, αfun = LinearOps.make_const_linop(grid, m, λ0)
inputs = Fields.GaussField(λ0=λ0, τfwhm=τ, energy=1e-6)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,6 +88,58 @@ end
@test norm(Iω - Iωf)/norm(Iω) < 0.003

@testset "Full, LP11 vs TM01" begin
# TM01 and LP11 (which is TM01+HE21) have the same dispersion and a ratio of effective
# areas of 2/3 -- mode averaged propagation in TM01 with 2/3x Aeff should be identical
# to full modal propagation in LP11, as long as only Kerr is considered.
using Luna
import LinearAlgebra: norm
a = 13e-6
gas = :Ar
pres = 5
τ = 30e-15
λ0 = 800e-9
energy = 1e-6
grid = Grid.RealGrid(5e-2, 800e-9, (160e-9, 3000e-9), 0.4e-12)
m = Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres; kind=:TM, n=0, m=1, loss=false)
aeff(z) = 2/3*Modes.Aeff(m, z=z) # Aeff of LP11 is 2/3x smaller than that of TM01
energyfun, energyfunω = Fields.energyfuncs(grid)

dens0 = PhysData.density(gas, pres)
densityfun = let dens0=PhysData.density(gas, pres)
z -> dens0
responses = (Nonlinear.Kerr_field(PhysData.γ3_gas(gas)),)
linop, βfun!, frame_vel, αfun = LinearOps.make_const_linop(grid, m, λ0)
inputs = Fields.GaussField(λ0=λ0, τfwhm=τ, energy=energy)
Eω, transform, FT = Luna.setup(
grid, densityfun, responses, inputs, βfun!, aeff)
statsfun = Stats.collect_stats(grid, Eω,
Stats.ω0(grid),, energyfunω))
output = Output.MemoryOutput(0, grid.zmax, 201, statsfun)ω, grid, linop, transform, FT, output, status_period=5)

# vertical LP11 double-lobe
modes = (
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=0, m=1, kind=:TM, ϕ=0.0, loss=false),
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=2, m=1, kind=:HE, ϕ=-π/4, loss=false),

field = Fields.GaussField(λ0=λ0, τfwhm=τ, energy=energy/2)
inputs = ((mode=1, fields=(field,)), (mode=2, fields=(field,)))
# inputs = Fields.GaussField(λ0=λ0, τfwhm=τ, energy=energy)
Eω, transform, FT = Luna.setup(grid, densityfun, responses, inputs,
modes, :xy; full=true)
outputf = Output.MemoryOutput(0, grid.zmax, 201, statsfun)
linop = LinearOps.make_const_linop(grid, modes, λ0)ω, grid, linop, transform, FT, outputf, status_period=10)

= abs2.(output[""])
Iωf = dropdims(sum(abs2.(outputf[""]); dims=2), dims=2)
@test norm(Iω - Iωf)/norm(Iω) < 0.0006

@testset "FieldInputs" begin
using Luna
import LinearAlgebra: norm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,3 +170,45 @@ end
@test Eω_single Eω_tuple
@test Eω_single Eω_tuple_of_namedtuples

@testset "Nonlinear coupling" begin
using Luna
import LinearAlgebra: norm
a = 125e-6
gas = :Ar
pres = 0.167
flength = 3

τfwhm = 10e-15
λ0 = 800e-9
energy = 150e-6

# HE11 and LP11 (consisting of HE21 + TM01)
modes = (
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=0, m=1, kind=:TM, ϕ=0.0),
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=2, m=1, kind=:HE, ϕ=float(-π/4)),
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=1, m=1, kind=:HE, ϕ=float(0.0)),

grid = Grid.RealGrid(flength, λ0, (160e-9, 3000e-9), 0.4e-12)

densityfun = let dens0=PhysData.density(gas, pres)
z -> dens0
responses = (Nonlinear.Kerr_field(PhysData.γ3_gas(gas)),)

field = Fields.GaussField(;λ0, τfwhm, energy=energy/2)
inputs = ((mode=1, fields=(field,)), (mode=2, fields=(field,)))

Eω, transform, FT = Luna.setup(
grid, densityfun, responses, inputs, modes, :xy; full=true)
nl = similar(Eω)

transform(nl, Eω, 0.0);
# nonlinear polarisation in LP11
Inl12 = dropdims(sum(abs2.(nl[:, 1:2]); dims=2); dims=2)
# nonlinear polarisation in HE11
Inl3 = abs2.(nl[:, 3])
# LP11 should not couple nonlinearly to HE11
@test norm(Inl3)/norm(Inl12) < 1e-32
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions test/test_polarisation_field.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,3 +60,67 @@ import Luna: Output
@test all(output["stats"]["energy"] .≈ sum(outputp["stats"]["energy"], dims=1))
@test all(output["stats"]["fwhm_r"] .≈ outputp["stats"]["fwhm_r"])

@testset "Linear, LP11" begin
using Luna
import LinearAlgebra: norm
a = 125e-6
gas = :Ar
pres = 0.167
flength = 0.1

τ = 10e-15
λ0 = 800e-9
energy = 150e-6
grid = Grid.RealGrid(5e-2, 800e-9, (160e-9, 3000e-9), 1e-12)

densityfun = let dens0=PhysData.density(gas, pres)
z -> dens0
responses = (Nonlinear.Kerr_field(PhysData.γ3_gas(gas)),)
energyfun, energyfunω = Fields.energyfuncs(grid)
modes = (
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=0, m=1, kind=:TM, ϕ=0.0, loss=false),
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=2, m=1, kind=:HE, ϕ=π/4, loss=false),
inf = (Fields.GaussField(λ0=λ0, τfwhm=τ, energy=energy/2.0),)
# same field in each mode
inputs = ((mode=1, fields=inf), (mode=2, fields=inf))
Eω, transform, FT = Luna.setup(grid, densityfun, responses, inputs,
modes, :xy; full=true)
statsfun = Stats.collect_stats(grid, Eω,
Stats.peakintensity(grid, modes),
Stats.fwhm_r(grid, modes),, energyfunω))
output = Output.MemoryOutput(0, grid.zmax, 201, statsfun)
linop = LinearOps.make_const_linop(grid, modes, λ0)ω, grid, linop, transform, FT, output, status_period=10)

modes = (
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=0, m=1, kind=:TM, ϕ=0.0, loss=false),
Capillary.MarcatiliMode(a, gas, pres, n=2, m=1, kind=:HE, ϕ=-π/4, loss=false),
inf = (Fields.GaussField(λ0=λ0, τfwhm=τ, energy=energy/2.0),)
# same field in each mode
inputs = ((mode=1, fields=inf), (mode=2, fields=inf))
Eω, transform, FT = Luna.setup(grid, densityfun, responses, inputs,
modes, :xy; full=true)
statsfun = Stats.collect_stats(grid, Eω,
Stats.peakintensity(grid, modes, components=:xy),
Stats.fwhm_r(grid, modes, components=:xy),, energyfunω))
outputp = Output.MemoryOutput(0, grid.zmax, 201, statsfun)
linop = LinearOps.make_const_linop(grid, modes, λ0)ω, grid, linop, transform, FT, outputp, status_period=10)

= dropdims(sum(abs2.([""]), dims=2), dims=2)
Iωp = dropdims(sum(abs2.([""]), dims=2), dims=2)

@test norm(Iω - Iωp)/norm(Iω) < 1.07e-12
@test all(output["stats"]["peakintensity"] .≈ outputp["stats"]["peakintensity"])
@test all(sum(output["stats"]["energy"], dims=1) .≈ sum(outputp["stats"]["energy"], dims=1))
@test all(output["stats"]["fwhm_r"] .≈ outputp["stats"]["fwhm_r"])

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