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Mkcert is a web service that allows you to build customised TLS trust stores.

Currently mkcert is just an API with no pretty frontend. That's in the works.


mkcert has the following endpoints:

GET /labels/

Returns a JSON object containing one key (Certificates) whose value is a list of all the certificate labels in the default trust store. Each of the items in the list can be passed to the other API endpoints to refer to a certificate.

GET /generate/<certs>

Builds a PEM file containing only the root certificates specified. The format of <certs> is a +-separated string. This string will be used to perform 'fuzzy-ish' matching to certificate labels. For example, if one of your <certs> strings is comodo, any label that contains the sequence of characters comodo (case-insensitively) will match.

Therefore, to build a .pem file that contains any GeoTrust certificate and any QuoVadis certificate, you would issue a GET request to /generate/geotrust+quovadis

The response to this request has the body formatted exactly like a .pem file, suitable for saving immediately.

GET /generate/all/except/<certs>

Builds a PEM file containing all root certificates except the root certificates specified. The format of <certs> is a +-separated string. This string will be used to perform 'fuzzy-ish' mapping to certificate labels. For example, if one of your <certs> strings is comodo, any label that contains the sequence of characters comodo (case-insensitively) will match.

Therefore, to build a .pem file that contains everything but any GeoTrust certificates and any QuoVadis certificates, you would issue a GET request to /generate/all/except/geotrust+quovadis.

The response to this request has the body formatted exactly like a .pem file, suitable for saving immediately.

POST /generate/

Builds a PEM file containing only the root certificates specified. The root certs are specified in the request body. The format of the request body is a JSON list of exact labels to include. That is, to generate a .pem file that contains only the "GeoTrust Global CA" and the "QuoVadis Root CA", you would POST the following body:

["GeoTrust Global CA", "QuoVadis Root CA"]

The response to this request has the body formatted exactly like a .pem file, suitable for saving immediately.

POST /generate/all/except/

Builds a PEM file containing all but the root certificates specified. The root certs are specified in the request body. The format of the request body is a JSON list of exact labels to include. That is, to generate a .pem file that contains all the certs except the "GeoTrust Global CA" and the "QuoVadis Root CA", you would POST the following body:

["GeoTrust Global CA", "QuoVadis Root CA"]

The response to this request has the body formatted exactly like a .pem file, suitable for saving immediately.

License is made available under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more details.


Customised trust stores for you and your family.







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