Creates and manages an Xbox RTA (Real Time Activity) connection. This websocket connection allows you to subscribe to events such as when a player's presence changes, when a player's party changes, when a session changes and more.
npm install xbox-rta
- authflow - Takes an Authflow instance from prismarine-auth, you can see the documentation for this here.
const { XboxRTA } = require('xbox-rta');
const { Authflow, Titles } = require('prismarine-auth');
const authflow = new Authflow('example', './', { authTitle: Titles.XboxAppIOS, deviceType: 'iOS', flow: 'sisu' });
const rta = new XboxRTA(authflow);
A list of events that can be emitted by the XboxRTA class can be found below.
- 'subscribe' - emitted when a resource has been subscribed
- 'unsubscribe' - emitted when a resource has been unsubscribed
- 'event' - emitted when an event has been recieved from a subscribed resource
- 'error' - emitted when an error has occured with a subscription
rta.on('subscribe', (data) => {
rta.on('unsubscribe', (data) => {
rta.on('event', (data) => {
rta.on('error', (data) => {
A list of methods that can be called on the XboxRTA class can be found below.
Connects to the Xbox RTA service. This method should be called before any other methods.
await rta.connect();
Subscribes to a resource. This method should be called after the connect
method has been called.
- resource - The resource to subscribe to, this should be a valid RTA resource. A list of valid resources can be found here.
const sub = await rta.subscribe('<player_xuid>)/richpresence');
Unsubscribes from a resource. This method should be called after the connect
method has been called.
- subscriptionId - The subscription ID of the resource to unsubscribe from. This can be found in the
event or in thesubscriptionId
property of thesubscribed
await rta.unsubscribe(sub.subscriptionId);
Destroys the connection to the Xbox RTA service. This method should be called when you are finished with the XboxRTA instance.
await rta.destroy();
Full code
const { XboxRTA } = require('xbox-rta');
const { Authflow, Titles } = require('prismarine-auth');
const main = async () => {
const auth = new Authflow('example', './', { authTitle: Titles.XboxAppIOS, deviceType: 'iOS', flow: 'sisu' });
const rta = new XboxRTA(auth);
rta.on('subscribe', (data) => {
rta.on('unsubscribe', (data) => {
rta.on('event', (data) => {
rta.on('error', (data) => {
await rta.connect();
const sub = await rta.subscribe('<player_xuid>)/richpresence');
setTimeout(async () => {
await rta.unsubscribe(sub.subscriptionId);
}, 60000); // Unsubscribe after 1 minute
setTimeout(async () => {
await rta.destroy();
}, 120000); // Destroy the connection after 2 minutes
When creating or joining a session, you need to provide a connection ID, this allows you to recieve events relating to the session for example when a user joins or when the session is updated. You can get a connection ID by subscribing to the
endpoint. An example of this being used can be found in bedrock-portal
const { XboxRTA } = require('xbox-rta');
const { Authflow, Titles } = require('prismarine-auth');
const main = async () => {
const auth = new Authflow('example', './', { authTitle: Titles.MinecraftNintendoSwitch, deviceType: 'Nintendo' });
const rta = new XboxRTA(auth);
await rta.connect();
const sub = await rta.subscribe('');
When you subscribe to the
endpoint, you will recieve a response like this in the subscribe
event. The event
event will also be fired when any changes are made to the session the connection ID is associated with.
"type": 1,
"sequenceId": 0,
"status": 0,
"subscriptionId": 0,
"data": { "ConnectionId": "d70140fd-7d47-4b5f-b967-fca6c16e71ab" },
"uri": ""
const { XboxRTA } = require('xbox-rta')
const { Authflow, Titles } = require('prismarine-auth')
const main = async () => {
const auth = new Authflow('example', './', { authTitle: Titles.XboxAppIOS, deviceType: 'iOS', flow: 'sisu' })
const rta = new XboxRTA(auth)
rta.on('subscribe', (data) => {
rta.on('event', (data) => {
await rta.connect()
await rta.subscribe('<player_xuid>)/richpresence')
When the player's presence changes, you will recieve an event like this in the event
"xuid": 1234567890123456,
"devicetype": "XboxOne",
"titleid": 0,
"string1": "Minecraft",
"string2": "",
"presenceState": "Online",
"presenceText": "Minecraft",
"presenceDetails": [
"isBroadcasting": false,
"device": "iOS",
"presenceText": "Minecraft",
"state": "Active",
"titleId": "1810924247",
"isGame": true,
"isPrimary": true,
"richPresenceText": ""
You can enable some debugging output using the DEBUG
enviroment variable. Through node.js, you can add process.env.DEBUG = 'xbox-rta'
at the top of your code.