GDLK is a programming language, as well as a game based on solving puzzles with the language. We have a basic playable version available at Feedback is appreciated!
GDLK Development Language Kit
GDLK Development Language Kit!
First, you'll need to install:
Then, for development you'll probably want to install more stuff:
rustup component add rustfmt-preview clippy-preview
cargo install cargo-make
If you just want to compile and run a program without starting up the webserver, you can use the CLI for that. To execute a program, you will need:
- A hardware spec, which defines what hardware the program can access (JSON)
- A program spec, which defines the input and expected output (JSON)
- A source file (GDLK)
See core/src/
for a list of fields that the hardware and program specs need. Then, you can run the program with:
cargo run -p gdlk_cli -- run --hardware hw.json --program prog.json -s prog.gdlk
In the repo root, run:
cd frontend
nvm install
nvm use
npm install
npm run start
You can run tests with:
cargo make test # In the root, or any sub-crate
If you have a GDLK program or test failing, you can have the GDLK compiler and interpreter output additional debug information by setting DEBUG=1
DEBUG=1 cargo run -p gdlk_cli -- --hardware hw.json --program prog.json -s prog.gdlk
# OR
DEBUG=1 cargo make test
We use nightly Rust. Here's a list of reasons why. If this list every gets empty, we should switch to stable.
- Rustfmt
- Cargo
Here's a helpful site for finding new nightly versions.
This project is just a static site deployed through GitHub Pages. Each push to master will re-build the site and GitHub will automatically deploy that version.