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File Structure

carsakiller edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 8 revisions

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Project File Structure

Below is an explanation of the project file structure. Hovering an item will show a description, clicking a linked item will jump to more detailed info, if available.

Files marked with are ignored by git.

📦 lua-language-server/
    ├── 📁 .github/
    ├── 📁 .vscode/
    ├── 📁 3rd/
    ├── 📁 bin/ 
    ├── 📁 doc/
    ├── 📁 locale/
    ├── 📁 log/ 
    ├── 📁 make/
    ├── 📂 meta/
    │    ├── 📁 3rd/
    │    ├── 📁 template/
    │    └── 📂 Lua ${LUA_VERSION} ${LANGUAGE_ID} ${ENCODING}/ 
    ├── 📂 script/
    │    ├── 📁 brave/
    │    ├── 📁 cli/
    │    ├── 📁 config/
    │    ├── 📁 core/
    │    ├── 📁 encoder/
    │    ├── 📁 glob/
    │    ├── 📂 parser/
    │    │    ├── 📜 guide.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 luadoc.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 newparser.lua
    │    │    └── 📜 tokens.lua
    │    ├── 📂 proto/
    │    │    ├── 📜 converter.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 define.lua
    │    │    └── 📜 proto.lua
    │    ├── 📂 provider/
    │    │    ├── 📜 diagnostic.lua
    │    │    └── 📜 provider.lua
    │    ├── 📁 pub/
    │    ├── 📁 service/
    │    ├── 📁 test
    │    ├── 📁 tools
    │    ├── 📂 vm/
    │    │    ├── 📜 compiler.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 def.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 doc.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 field.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 generic.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 global.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 infer.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 local-id.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 node.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 ref.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 runner.lua
    │    │    └── 📜 sign.lua
    │    ├── 📂 workspace/
    │    │    ├── 📜 loading.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 require-path.lua
    │    │    ├── 📜 scope.lua
    │    │    └── 📜 workspace.lua
    │    ├── 📜 await.lua
    │    ├── 📜 client.lua
    │    ├── 📜 files.lua
    │    ├── 📜 language.lua
    │    ├── 📜 lclient.lua
    │    ├── 📜 library.lua
    │    ├── 📜 plugin.lua
    ├── 📜 debugger.lua
    ├── 📜 test.lua
    └── 📜 main.lua


Github-specific files for metadata, issue templates, etc.

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Visual Studio Code specific files for development.

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Contains Lua defintion files for various included libraries like love2d and OpenResty.

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Parses Lua code into an abstract syntax tree (AST).


x = 10
y = 20


    type   = 'main',
    start  = 0,
    finish = 20000,
    [1] = {
        type   = 'setglobal',
        start  = 0,
        finish = 1,
        range  = 5,
        [1]    = 'x',
        value  = {
            type   = 'integer',
            start  = 4,
            finish = 6,
            [1]    = 10
    [2] = {
        type   = 'setglobal',
        start  = 10000,
        finish = 10001,
        range  = 10005,
        [1]    = 'y',
        value  = {
            type   = 'integer',
            start  = 10004,
            finish = 10006,
            [1]    = 20

ℹ️ Note: first line is 0, start is cursor position on the left and finish is cursor position on the right.

ℹ️ Note: position = row * 10000 + col, therefore, only codes with fewer than 10000 bytes in a single line are supported. These nodes are generally named source.

ℹ️ Note: Most of the children files are obsolete, only the ones still in use are documented.

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Parses Lua code into an AST then wraps it into state.

local state = {
    version = 'Lua 5.4',
    lua     = [[local x = 1]],
    ast     = { ... },
    errs    = { ... }, -- syntax errors
    comms   = { ... }, -- comments
    lines   = { ... }, -- map of offset and position

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Semantic analysis of the AST and binding status according to the workspace.


---@class myClass
local mt




node: {
    [1] = {
        type = 'local',
        [1]  = 'mt',
    [2] = {
        type = 'global',
        cate = 'type',
        name = 'myClass',

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Process analysis and tracking of local variables

---@type number|nil
local x

if x then
    print(x) --> `x` is number here

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