After many months of inactivity, this repository has been archived for research purposes.
Development of this driver continues in @mr-manuel's repository, which can be found here:
Many thanks to all the users who have used this driver.
dbus-serialbattery Team
This is a driver for Venus OS devices (any GX device sold by Victron or a Raspberry Pi running the Venus OS image).
The driver will communicate with a Battery Management System (BMS) that support serial (RS232, RS485 or TTL UART) and Bluetooth communication (see BMS feature comparison for details). The data is then published to the Venus OS system (dbus). The main purpose is to act as a Battery Monitor in your GX and supply State of Charge (SoC) and other values to the inverter/charger.
- Introduction
- Features
- Supported BMS
- How to install, update, disable, enable and uninstall
- How to troubleshoot
If you find this driver helpful please consider supporting this project. You can buy me a Ko-Fi or get in contact, if you would like to donate hardware for development.
Support Louisvdw
- Main developer
- Added most of the BMS drivers
or using
Support mr-manuel
- Added a lot of features, optimizations and improvements with
- Assistance with the issues and discussions of forum
- Added a lot of documentation to the config file and notes that are displayed after installation for better understanding
- Introduced the new documentation page of the driver and reworked a great part of it for easier understanding
To develop this project, install the requirements. This project makes use of velib_python which is pre-installed on
Venus-OS Devices under /opt/victronenergy/dbus-systemcalc-py/ext/velib_python
. To use the python files locally,
git clone
the velib_python project to velib_python and add
velib_python to the PYTHONPATH
environment variable.
Make sure the GitHub Actions run fine in your repository. In order to make the GitHub Actions run please select in your repository settings under Actions
-> General
-> Actions permissions
the option Allow all actions and reusable workflows
. Check also in your repository settings under Actions
-> General
-> Workflow permissions
if Read and write permissions
are selected. This will check your code for Flake8 and Black Lint errors. Here is a short instruction on how to set up Flake8 and Black Lint checks in VS Code. This will save you a lot of time.
See this checklist, if you want to add a new BMS
- Each supported BMS needs to implement the abstract base class
tries to figure out the correct connected BMS by looping through all known implementations ofBattery
and executing itstest_connection()
. If this returns true,
sticks with this battery and then periodically executesdbushelpert.publish_battery()
which updates the fields of Battery. It then publishes those fields to dbus usingdbushelper.publish_dbus()
- The Victron Device will be "controlled" by the values published on
- namely:/Info/MaxChargeCurrent
(not implemented in dbus-serialbattery)
For more details on the victron dbus interface see the official victron dbus documentation