- Doctron description
- Online experience
- Convert preview
- Encourage
- Features
- Installing
- Quick Start
- Doctron Client
- License
- Thanks JetBrains provide free GoLand IDE
Doctron is a Docker-powered,serverless,sample,fast,high quality document convert tool.Supply html convert to pdf(html2pdf), html convert to image(html2image like jpeg,png),which using chrome(Chromium) kernel, add watermarks to pdf, convert pdf to images etc.
open the following website to have a try. Conversion may be slower due to low server configuration. Doctron Live Demo
- source website: https://support.apple.com/zh-cn/iphone-12-and-iphone-12-pro-service-program-for-no-sound-issues
- preview:
If you feel doctron is not bad, give me a star and fork.Star and fork is my greatest encouragement!
- Html convert to pdf/image using chrome kernel to guarantee what you see is what you get.
- Easy deployment.(Using docker,kubernetes.)
- Rich transformation parameters.
- Customize page size from html convert to pdf or image.
- Serverless supported.
- Using docker
#using default config
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm --name doctron-alpine lampnick/doctron
#using custom config
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm --name doctron-alpine \
-v /path/to/doctron/conf/doctron.yaml:/doctron.yaml \
- Using k8s
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lampnick/doctron/master/manifests/k8s-doctron.yaml
- From source code
First step:
download google-chrome,add google-chrome path to system PATH .
Second step:
git clone https://github.com/lampnick/doctron.git
cd doctron
go run main.go --config=./conf/default.yaml
- install doctron using
go get
First step:
download google-chrome,add google-chrome path to system PATH .
Second step:
go get -v github.com/lampnick/doctron
When finished then directly run
doctron --config=./conf/default.yaml<url><url>&marginTop=0&marginLeft=0&marginRight=0&marginbottom=0&paperwidth=4.1
- u/username // doctron username
- p/password // doctron password
- uploadKey // upload to oss key
- url // need convert html url
- landscape // Paper orientation. core.Defaults to false.
- displayHeaderFooter // Display header and footer. core.Defaults to false.
- printBackground // Print background graphics. core.Defaults to false.
- scale // Scale of the webpage rendering. core.Defaults to 1.
- paperWidth // Paper width in inches. core.Defaults to 8.5 inches.
- paperHeight // Paper height in inches. core.Defaults to 11 inches.
- marginTop // Top margin in inches. core.Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
- marginBottom // Bottom margin in inches. core.Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
- marginLeft // Left margin in inches. core.Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
- marginRight // Right margin in inches. core.Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
- pageRanges // Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. core.Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.
- ignoreInvalidPageRanges // Whether to silently ignore invalid but successfully parsed page ranges, such as '3-2'. core.Defaults to false.
- WaitingTime // Waiting time after the page loaded. Default 0 means not wait. unit:Millisecond<url><url>&customClip=true&clipX=0&clipY=0&clipWidth=400&clipHeight=1500&clipScale=2&format=jpeg&Quality=80
- u/username // doctron username
- p/password // doctron password
- uploadKey // upload to oss key
- url // need convert html url
- format // Image compression format (defaults to png).
- quality // Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only).
- customClip //if set this value, the below clip will work,otherwise not work!
- clipX // Capture the screenshot of a given region only.X offset in device independent pixels (dip).
- clipY // Capture the screenshot of a given region only.Y offset in device independent pixels (dip).
- clipWidth // Capture the screenshot of a given region only.Rectangle width in device independent pixels (dip).
- clipHeight // Capture the screenshot of a given region only.Rectangle height in device independent pixels (dip). WaitingTime // Waiting time after the page loaded. Default 0 means not wait. unit:Millisecond<pdf url>&imageUrl=<image url>
- u/username // doctron username
- p/password // doctron password
- uploadKey // upload to oss key
- url // need convert html url
- imageUrl // watermark image url,support png/jpeg
Doctron is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt