This is a concise Pytorch implementation of Rainbow DQN, including Double Q-learning, Dueling network, Noisy network, PER and n-steps Q-learning.
You can dircetly run in your own IDE.
You can set the 'env_index' in the code to change the environments.
env_index=0 represent 'CartPole-v1'
env_index=1 represent 'LunarLander-v2'
You can use the tensorboard to visualize the training curves, which are saved in the file 'runs'.
The rewards data are saved as numpy in the file 'data_train'.
The training curves are shown below.
The right picture is smoothed by averaging over a window of 10 steps. The solid line and the shadow respectively represent the average and standard deviation over three different random seeds. (seed=0, 10, 100)
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