Livox_mapping is a mapping package for Livox LiDARs. The package currently contains the basic functions of low-speed mapping.
Some key issues:
- Support multiple livox lidar;
- Different feature extraction;
- Remove odometry for small FOV situation;
In the development of our package, we reference to LOAM, LOAM_NOTED.
Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04 or 18.04. ROS Kinetic or Melodic. ROS Installation
Follow PCL Installation. Follow Eigen Installation. Follow openCV Installation.
Follow livox_ros_driver Installation.
Clone the repository and catkin_make:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- If you want to save the pcd file please add map_file_path in launch file.
Connect to your PC to Livox LiDAR (mid40) by following Livox-ros-driver installation, then
roslaunch livox_mapping mapping_mid.launch
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar.launch
Connect to your PC to Livox LiDAR (Horizon) by following Livox-ros-driver installation, then
roslaunch livox_mapping mapping_horizon.launch
roslaunch livox_ros_driver livox_lidar_msg.launch
Download mid40_hall_example or mid40_outdoor and then
roslaunch livox_mapping mapping_mid.launch
rosbag play YOUR_DOWNLOADED.bag
Download mid100_example and then
roslaunch livox_mapping mapping_mid.launch
rosbag play YOUR_DOWNLOADED.bag
Download horizon_parking or horizon_outdoor and then
roslaunch livox_mapping mapping_horizon.launch
rosbag play YOUR_DOWNLOADED.bag
Thanks for LOAM(J. Zhang and S. Singh. LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time), LOAM_NOTED.