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Frontend Replica of


This project is a frontend replica of the popular Fieldgoal) website, developed using cutting-edge technologies to provide a seamless user experience. The primary objective was to recreate the website's frontend while incorporating modern web development practices and tools.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js version 13: We leveraged the power of Next.js 13, a React framework, to enable server-side rendering, smooth routing, and enhanced performance. This ensures a fast and responsive user interface.

  • Conditional Layout: To make the website adaptive across different screen sizes and devices, we implemented conditional layout techniques, allowing the content to adjust gracefully.

  • Router: The implementation of the Next.js router facilitated seamless navigation between pages, providing a fluid user experience.

  • Custom Hook: By utilizing custom hooks, we streamlined complex functionalities and reused code for better maintainability and scalability.

  • Formik and Yup Validation: We integrated Formik and Yup to manage form states and ensure robust form validation. This guarantees that user inputs are validated effectively, providing a seamless form submission process.

  • Tailwind CSS with Animation: Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, was employed to style the website efficiently. Additionally, we incorporated animations to create an engaging and interactive user interface.


  • Responsive Design: The website adapts elegantly to various screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent and pleasant user experience.

  • Interactive Animations: Engaging animations were implemented throughout the website, adding flair to user interactions and enhancing visual appeal.

  • Form Validation: Formik and Yup were utilized to validate user input in forms, ensuring data integrity and enhancing error handling.

  • Smooth Navigation: The Next.js router facilitates seamless navigation between pages, reducing page load times and providing a smooth browsing experience.

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd your-repo
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install or yarn install
  4. Run the development server: npm run dev or yarn dev
  5. Open your browser and visit: http://localhost:3000


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue. Please follow the existing code style and conventions to maintain consistency.