- Find instances of object fields being used in serializable lambdas - this will break serializability of the lambda. Provides a quick fix to alias the variable as local and final.
Follow the example set out by MemberVariableInLambda
, and remember to register your inspection in the InspectionRegistration
class. To test locally, use gradle build
to create the plugin zip in build/distributions/
and install the plugin from disk in Intellij. When you are ready to publish, increment the version number of the plugin in build.gradle, and you're all set!
For LiveRamp internal users: To be able to download and update the plugin in the regular IntelliJ IDEA way, please, follow the instructions at "Managing Enterprise Plugin Repositories" and use http://library.liveramp.net/artifactory/ext-release-local/com/liveramp/liveramp-idea-inspections-plugin/plugins.xml
as the repository URL.
For external users: LiveRamp does not currently have a good way to host the plugin for external users. Feel free to host the plugin somewhere yourself, or simply use gradle build
and install the plugin from disk using the created zip archive.